In addition to being used as a kitchen spice, salt can also be mixed into ingredients that provide a variety of benefits. This is a myriad of benefits of salt water for health and beauty.

Garam, who doesn’t know him? From children to adults will know this white object that has a salty taste.

In addition to being used to flavor food, salt can actually be processed into a ‘herb’ that provides a variety of healthy benefits. In fact, the benefits of salt for health have been proven through research, you know!

Benefits of Salt Water

So far, we must have known the benefits of salt, which is usually a flavor enhancer in cooking. However, it turns out that the function of salt is more than that, you know.

For example, a solution or salt water that turns out to have a lot of benefits for health and beauty.

Here are a number of benefits of salt water which turns out to have many functions in our daily lives.

1. Relieve Canker sores

Did you know, the benefits of warm salt water itself can relieve pain such as canker sores.

The benefits of salt water can also accelerate healing when we experience bleeding in the mouth, wounds from biting the tongue, or broken teeth. In addition, there are also other benefits, including being used as a thrush medicine.

Canker sores or aphtous stomatitis are sores in the mouth that are usually oval or white in shape and can cause pain and discomfort.

Thrush is caused by several things, including a lack of vitamin C, vitamin B12, or it could be due to an infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

In addition, canker sores can also be caused by sores in the mouth due to being bitten or consuming something hard or sharp.

These small wounds become easy targets for oral bacteria and cause a certain immune reaction.

2. Body Detoxification

Salt water that tastes salty turns out to have antibacterial abilities. If you consume salt water, the effect is to reduce toxins and harmful bacteria in the body.

In fact, there is an opinion that says that regular and regular consumption of salt water can help maintain the health of internal organs.

3. Lose Weight

If the body has a lot of salt content, then the appetite will decrease. This is what helps you to lose weight.

By consuming a glass of salt water regularly and regularly, you can keep your appetite awake.

If combined with the application of a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, your weight can be maintained in the ideal range.

4. Overcoming Water Fleas and Fungus on Feet

Water fleas are a contagious fungal infection of the skin of the feet that can spread to the toenails and sometimes the hands.

In addition to being treated with prescription drugs from the doctor, home treatments can also be done to treat this fungal foot infection.

The trick, soak your feet in a solution of salt water or diluted vinegar to help treat the infection.

5. Cleans Ears

affect hearing.

If earwax buildup is causing problems, the doctor can clean it by gently spraying water or saline into the ear using a special tool. This also includes other benefits of salt water.

The flow of water or saline solution that is sprayed with this special tool and method will push the earwax out. The result, the ear will be clean of dirt.

Benefits of Salt Water for Facial Skin Beauty

In general, oily or acne-prone skin problems can be overcome by using skin care products.

However, did you know that natural ingredients, such as salt water, are also believed to help with skin problems?

This is because salt contains a variety of minerals that are believed to be able to maintain healthy facial skin, such as magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, and calcium.

The benefits of salt water for the face are also believed to be effective for dealing with acne that appears on your face. Because salt water has antibacterial properties that can help treat acne.

Not only that, salt water is also able to control the production of oil (sebum) on your facial skin.

Facial treatments using salt water are easy to do, including:

• Dissolve 1/2 tablespoon of salt in a bowl of warm water.

• Moms can also use Himalayan salt which is richer in minerals.

• Make sure Moms face is clean from the rest of the dirt that is still attached to the surface of the skin.

• After that, wash your face using salt water, then rinse with running water and dry with a clean towel.

Although there are various benefits of salt water for the face, you should first consult with your doctor.

Because, each treatment will likely give a different reaction in each person.

Those were the various benefits of salt water for health and beauty. It turns out that there are so many uses other than as a spice in the kitchen, huh?

However, before If you decide to use salt water as a medical treatment or beauty treatment, there’s nothing wrong with consulting your doctor first.

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