The benefits of buni fruit for health are various, including improving digestion, can be used as a preservative and natural food coloring, to meet the mineral needs of potassium and magnesium.

Ever heard of the term buni fruit? The name is still a little foreign. This bright red, mini-sized fruit has many health benefits. In Indonesia, buni fruit is not too familiar. Buni fruit is more familiar in several other Asian countries such as India, Malaysia and Singapore. It can be said that the Latin name Antidesma Bunius is quite rare in Indonesia. The main parts of this fruit such as leaves, bark, and fruit are known to provide various health benefits.

Nutritious buni content

The benefits of buni fruit are certainly none other than the content of buni which is full of nutrients. Here are a number of nutrients contained in buni fruit:

• Protein: 0.75 grams

• Calcium: 0.12 grams

• Phosphorus: 0.04 milligrams

• Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.031 milligrams

• Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.072 milligrams

• Vitamin B3 (niacin): 0.53 milligrams

In addition to the nutritional content of the tamin fruit above, this one fruit is also rich in antioxidants which are good for warding off free radicals.

Benefits of buni fruit for health

Here are some of the benefits that are believed to be contained in buni fruit.

1. Helps Maintain Heart Health

Buni fruit is one of the herbal fruits that can help maintain heart health. A study shows that buni fruit extract can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the heart.

Although it is not known exactly how this buni fruit extract works, it is considered an effective alternative method to fight the development of tissue damage in the heart.

2. Good for eye health

Launching from the Plant Conservation Center of the Bogor Botanical Gardens, buni fruit is also believed to contain provitamin A which is good for eye health and prevents nearsightedness.

3. Helps Control Blood Pressure

Another benefit of buni fruit is that it can help control blood pressure in the body. Buni fruit is known to cure high blood pressure or hypertension. This is because there is a high content of polyphenols and antioxidants derived from buni fruit extract.

Keeping blood pressure stable and normal also contributes to preventing heart problems. This is because high blood pressure or hypertension is one of the factors that can increase the risk of heart disease.

4. Rich in antioxidants

Another content that provides benefits for this fruit is antioxidants. Buni fruit contains flavonoids consisting of catechins, procyanidin B1, and procyanidin B2. These three types of flavonoids are included as antioxidant compounds that can counteract the effects of free radicals and help protect the body from various risks of disease and cell damage and increase body resistance. .

4. Maintain Digestive Health

The high content of polyphenols in buni fruit can help maintain a healthy digestive tract. Polyphenols can help the growth of good bacteria in the intestines while reducing harmful bacteria that cause digestive disorders. That way, digestion can work better and avoid certain diseases or disorders.

5. Can be used as a natural food preservative

In a study conducted using red buni fruit extract, it was found that the extract that had gone through pH adjustment had an antimicrobial effect that could inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as P. fluorescens and B. subtilis. helps the texture turn out to be softer and tastier.

Thus a list of the benefits of buni fruit that you need to know. Eating buni fruit can indeed provide many benefits, but consuming buni fruit must be adjusted to the needs and should not exceed the normal dose.

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