Benefits Of Black Seed For Beauty

Black seed or black cumin is a spice rich of benefits. The form of black seed is a grain of seed that has a black color. Ibnu  Sina, father of Modern Medicine also had to write down a research about the seed that contains vitamins, amino acids, proteins, acids limonet, sodium, and many more.

A variety of content that exists in the black seed is known to cure various diseases. Ranging from curing cancer, lower cholesterol, to cope with high blood pressure. Not only that, the black seed is also beneficial for beauty and health of your skin. Don’t be surprised if there are a lot of skincare products and makeup using black seed as its main ingredient.

Benefits of black seed

1. Prevent Acne

Benefits of black seed to face the first of course is to prevent the growth of acne. This you can get due to the content of linoleic acid, vitamin E, amino acids and other nutrients that are contained in the seed. A variety of content proficiency level help prevent and kill bacteria that cause acne.

2. Fade Acne Scars

After the pimples are gone, acne scars be a new issue that makes people feel confident. Benefits of black seed to the face can also overcome the problem of acne scars this. If scars acne redness, black seed contains anti-inflammatory properties that are good for the skin. If scars acne blackish and leave pockmarks, black seed can also handle it with antioxidants. The content of antioxidants can accelerate the regeneration of cells in the skin so that the condition of your face will be getting better

3. Control Oil on the Face

Benefits of black seed to face the next is to help control the oil production on the skin of the face. Oily skin will usually prone to breakouts, due to the pores of the skin are clogged oil.

Basically face oil has the function to help moisturize the skin of the face. But the face is too oily, will make your skin look dull. The content contained on the seed, can help overcome the external toxins, and helps prevent pollutants on the face, which is caused due to exposure to sun, pollution and dust.

4. Clean Pores

The pores are clogged, it can cause the onset of comedones on the face, which became the forerunner of the onset of acne. If it is not clean when washing the face, the pores will be clogged oil and acne-causing bacteria. Large pores can also make bacteria easily stopped, and cause the skin to become more rough. Benefits of black seed can be used as a scrub or face mask to clear pores of dirt, and helps shrink large pores.

5. Nourish The Skin

Benefits of black seed for a face that is very important is that it can help nourish the skin. This is because the seed has a high content of antioxidants, vitamin E, and linoleic acid, which is very good for maintaining the health of the skin. The content contained on the seed, can also help repair skin cells, which are damaged due to free radicals.

6. Moisturizes Skin

Black seed or black cumin is rich in amino acids that protect the skin from dryness. Mix black cumin oil and coconut oil in the same comparison, then apply with a gentle massage on the skin of the body. This will help to keep skin hydrated and fresh.

7. Prevent Wrinkles and Premature Aging

Benefits of black seed to face the next one is to help you overcome premature aging of the skin. Premature aging is characterized by the emergence of wrinkles on the face, the appearance of black spots, and the lack of elasticity in the skin. Premature aging can be caused due to frequent sun exposure, pollution, dust and free radicals.The content contained in the seed, can help prevent the process of premature aging of the skin, and repair the cells damaged skin. Black seed is rich in antioxidants and perfect to fight the free radicals that damage the skin and hair. Apply this oil on the skin of your face to eliminate wrinkles.

8. Brighten Skin

Black seed also contains vitamin E which is beneficial for skin lightening. If applied directly to the face, the nutrients in the seed it will seep into the deepest layers of the skin and make it more healthy and bright.

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