Yoo Yoo my friends!, how are you. Friend, if we talk about design, we certainly have our own favorite software, right? Well, if we have software, we must also have tips that make it easier for us, right? If not, maybe a few quick tips that I will share can help youpara sobatku!, apakabar nih. Sobat kalo kita ngomongin soal desain pasti kita punya software favorit masing-masing kan?.Nah kalo kita punya softeware kita pasti juga punya tips-tips yang mempermudah kita juga kan?.Jika belum mungkin sedikit tips ringkas yang akan saya bagi ini bisa bantu kalian

Appreciate space from other elements

Use letter spacing to fill dead space, align text, or summarize words that take up too much space.

Don’t be afraid of scale

Apply scale to type, shape or compositional feature that helps emphasize proportion. Here, Raleway for the word ‘Skala’ is very strong and loud with a clear letterform.

Be smart with your colors

Choose a color scheme that has 1-3 primary colors and an additional 1-3 secondary colors that contrast and complement each other.

Limit your font

When choosing a typeface or font for headings, subtitles, and body text, use easy-to-read fonts for simple and effective graphic designs.

Clean, dry, clear

Pumps up contrast by adjusting the brightness of the background image so that it offsets the text color, making the design clear and easy to read

Keep simple

Keep it simple, but don’t forget your basics. Make sure every element has a reason to be in the design and keep the number of uses of fonts, colors, shapes and frames to a minimum.

Fonts have feelings too

Typefaces with rounded edges are usually note friendly, Quicksand is used here 😉 a sharp and strong hardline geometric-edge (sans serif) font; while serifs convey an elegant and sophisticated look.

Creating sequences with juxtaposition

Apply a line or trim to balance the design and composition. Here, a line from the left of the text provides the mimic and outlines the margins and ranges of the blocked text.

Amazing white space

Make the design fluid by surrounding words with white space being a breathable element.

Multi-page magic

The easiest way to ensure aesthetic unity throughout a document or presentation is to duplicate the page then edit the text and replace the images.

Symmetrical play

Use horizontal and vertical lines to match the rest of the design elements (the thickness of the element matches the thickness of the font).

Use a hierarchy to sort your content

Use color or scale on the graphic to see how it makes a difference to the hierarchical elements and what grabs attention first.

Relax your eyes once in a while

Relaxation adds energy and productivity, refreshes the brain and revitalizes the outlook.

Creativity and originality

Push your creative abilities and graphic design skills to achieve original graphics. Be inventive and experimental and picky and combine different typefaces and filters.

Keep in the family

Use a typeface or font family that has several variations to choose from, such as italic, bold, solid, to still have a lot of choices. This image combines Libre Baskerville Bold, Light and Italic.

So, those were my tips, hope it helps

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