How do you take care of your skin to keep it white?

Having a bright glowing face, fresh and smooth skin, and soft and shiny hair is certainly the dream of many people, especially women. However, daily activities that expose our skin to pollution, not to mention if we use make-up all day, and unhealthy eating patterns eventually make our skin no longer smooth. Finally, we have to spend more money to go to a beauty clinic for treatment.

Body care actually doesn’t have to always waste a lot of money, as long as the treatment is done regularly. Here are 15 simple body care tips & tricks so that your skin can stay smooth even when you have a lot of activity and busyness.

  • Don’t Miss Sunscreen

Yes, this one body care step is really not to be missed, especially for those of us who live in tropical areas like Indonesia. Most people only use sunscreen when they go swimming or activities directly in the sun. Wherever you go, don’t forget to wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.

The second mistake that many people make is only using sunscreen on the face. Whereas we should apply sunscreen to all skin surfaces that will be exposed to the sun, such as the neck, hands, and feet.

Choose a sunscreen that can protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays. UVB rays are rays that cause sunburn so that they are darker in color, while UVA rays are rays that can cause wrinkles, dark spots, premature aging, and skin cancer.

  • Double Cleansing

This body care step is often taken for granted. Most people think that just washing your face is enough. In fact, double cleansing is very important to do, especially for those of you who often use makeup, sweat easily, or are exposed to dust and pollution.

Double cleansing is cleaning the face twice, namely with an oil-based and water-based facial cleanser.

Why do you have to double cleanse? Because when you clean your face 2 times, all the makeup along with the dirt is really lifted so that no residue does not stick to your face overnight while you sleep. This method also makes your skin more moisturized and skincare is more easily absorbed.

  • Always Remember Moisturizer

Have dry skin? Maybe you often forget this one body care step. Washing your face is important, but what you shouldn’t forget is to use a moisturizer after. Especially if you are in an air-conditioned room all day.

The time you use a moisturizer has a pretty big impact on its effectiveness. Exposure to water actually dries out the skin as the water evaporates. Using a moisturizer makes the moisture more “locked in” and protects the skin.

This is because most moisturizers contain substances that absorb water and prevent evaporation so that the skin remains moisturized. Therefore, it is recommended to use a moisturizer after washing your face while your skin is still damp to help maintain deeper moisture.

  • Facial Massage

Everyone knows washing your face is important. But knowing the right way to wash your face is equally important. The key is not to be too hasty when washing your face and using moisturizer.

While washing your face, take the time to gently massage your face before rinsing it off. The goal is to improve circulation and make your skin look fresher and firmer.

In addition, facial massage can also make the body care products you use more absorb into the skin.

  • Regularly Use Face Masks

Many people think that masks are an additional step when they want to pamper themselves, gather with friends, or other certain times. In fact, face masks are actually quite important to do in a body care routine.

Face masks have so many benefits ranging from moisturizing the face, overcoming dry skin, oily skin, redness, to acne. For the use of face masks, it depends on the type of skin and the type of mask that we use. Currently, there are many types of face masks available, ranging from sheet to clay masks.

As for the duration of use, it is recommended to use it for 10-20 minutes 1-2 times per week. The goal is to give the skin time to breathe. If it’s too much, the mask will absorb the natural oils on the skin and cause dry skin.

  • Use Products in Order

In order for the products of your choice to work and provide optimal results, make sure you use them in the right order. Yes, again it is not only the product that is important but how to use it is also very important to pay attention to and do.

Most dermatologists recommend starting with the lightest to the heaviest products. For example, in the morning, starting with a facial cleanser (cleanser), followed by a moisturizer, then just a sunscreen. After that, just use makeup.

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