How to clean ears naturally?

Earwax that accumulates affects your hearing and balance. Therefore, you need to do how to clean your ears immediately so that the pain and discomfort can disappear. Launching Stylecraze (, there are many factors that cause clogged ears. Starting from the production of excess earwax, viral or bacterial infections, foreign objects entering the ear, and so on. Some of these factors are characterized by other symptoms.For example, ear pain, ringing sound appears, coughing, dizziness, and decreased ability to hear. So that you don’t experience this condition for a long time, try to take advantage of the materials that are around you.

If you clean the ear incorrectly, it can cause the dirt to be pushed further into the ear. Not only that, cleaning the ear canal using improper tools can also harm and damage the ear.

  1. Warm CompressThe first way to clean the ear is to use a warm compress. The hot steam coming out of the compress will soften the earwax, making it easier to expel the wax. Compress the ear for at least five minutes. Repeat this method two to three times a day for maximum results.
  2. Tea Tree Oil

Use tea tree oil to clean ear wax. This type of oil contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that prevent infection, either from viruses, bacteria, or other types of germs. The way you need to do it is quite easy. First, mix four to five drops of tea tree oil in warm water that you have placed in a container. After that, point the affected ear towards the container for 10 minutes. You can cover your head with a towel or a wide cloth so that the steam can get to your ears as much as possible.

• Salt Water

In addition to the buildup of dirt, ears can also be problematic when you have a cold. Stylecraze recommends that you gargle with a saline solution to keep your ears in good condition and not feel like they are clogged. The trick, mix 1 tsp salt into a glass of warm water. Next, use the solution to rinse your mouth. You can do this step several times a day until the ear no longer feels clogged.

  • Apple cider vinegar

If you’re looking for a way to clean your ears, you can’t go wrong with apple cider vinegar. Antimicrobials and other ingredients in apple cider vinegar can clean dirt and prevent infection. You need to mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of water first. After that, use a dropper to put three to four drops of the mixture into the ear. Next, cover the ears with cotton and keep the head tilted for five minutes.

  • Coconut oil

How to clean ears using coconut oil. This is because animal oil contains medium chain fatty acids. So that it functions effectively in helping to fight infections and bacteria found in the ear.

How to use coconut oil to clean ears is quite easy. Heat some coconut oil and use a dropper to inject the oil into the ear canal. After that, wait for about five minutes and clean it using a cotton swab.

  • Almond Oil

The next way to clean the ears is to use almond oil. The content in almond oil can help soften hardened dirt. So this can make it easier for earwax to come out by itself.

Almond oil can be used by inserting it into the ear canal using a dropper. Then let it sit for a few minutes before you remove the wax in the ear.

  • Baking soda

One way to clean ears naturally is to use baking soda. Because baking soda is an effective ingredient in removing earwax.

How to use it is quite easy, mix baking soda into water and enjoy a few drops into the ear canal. After letting it sit for a while before you clean it with a cotton swab.

  • Zaitun Oil

Another way to clean the ears is to use olive oil. The anti-bacterial content found in olive oil works effectively in maintaining ear health. In addition, this oil can also soften the hardened dirt in the ear canal.

To use olive oil, the method is quite easy, add a few drops of olive oil using a cotton swab and let it sit for a few minutes. Do this method repeatedly until the wax in the ear comes out and clean.

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