Entering the period of puberty, teenagers experience an increase in hormones which generally can cause changes in the body to the emergence of various skin problems, such as oily face and dull skin.

Currently, there are many skincare products or facial treatments that promise instant results. Regardless of what content is in it. One of the dangerous ingredients that are quite often found in skincare is mercury and hydroquinone, unfortunately these ingredients are still widely found in the market.

Mercury does have a quick effect. For example, the pores appear smaller and smoother, in just a few uses. In fact, what actually happens is not solving our skin problems, but the outermost layer of skin is eroded and thinned, because of the mercury metal content in it.

The use of mercury can have negative effects on the body such as mercury poisoning, kidney disorders, liver disorders, insomnia, damage to the digestive tract, damage to the nervous system, brain, heart, lungs, fetal defects, and miscarriage.

The following are some tips to distinguish mercury skincare or not that we have summarized from various sources.

  • Check the Official Distribution Permit

Skincare containing mercury usually does not have a distribution permit from BPOM. This is because the mercury content is prohibited from being used for cosmetic and facial care products.

However, lately there have been some “naughty” sellers, by falsifying BPOM numbers for marketed skincare products. In order to be more confident with the BPOM number, we can check its veracity on the official BPOM website, yes.

  • View Composition List

According to WHO, a product contains mercury if it contains any of these ingredients:

  1. Calomel
  2. Cinnabaris
  3. Hydrargyri oxydum rubrum
  4. Quicksilver

For that avoid creams that contain the above ingredients

  • See Skincare Color

Products that contain a lot of mercury are usually gray or cream in color. However, it’s important to remember that some safe products can also be gray or beige without containing mercury.

  • Check Using Iron

This method can be used when you have purchased the skincare, namely by applying the product to white HVS paper, make sure the iron is not hot enough with a warm temperature, then iron the HVS that has been applied, observe the results. If the product contains mercury, the HVS paper will turn black

  • Sticky And Uncomfortable Texture

Some skin care products containing mercury have a slightly odd texture. The skincare tends to be sticky, and feels uncomfortable on the skin or face.

  • The effect is very fast

For those of you who are tempted by online shop claims about whitening creams that can give you a glowing white face, without acne, without pores, in an instant, you should think again. Skincare containing mercury will usually provide a tantalizing lure. Ideally, a skincare product will see the effect after 2-6 weeks of use. In contrast to mercury products, the effect is usually seen immediately after use, or after a few days.

  • Test using Gold

Another way we can do is to test skincare products that contain mercury using gold jewelry such as rings, necklaces, or bracelets.

The trick is to apply the beauty product to the back of the palm, then rub it with gold.

If the color of the product turns black, then the product contains mercury

Be a smart consumer by not being tempted by claims of skincare products that have unclear permissions and contents. However, if you are already using the cream, stop using it now and go through the detoxification process!

Detoxification in the body can be done by drinking black tea and green tea without sugar on a regular basis. The drink is efficacious to help fight toxins and strengthen the immune system, as well as neutralize the effects of mercury. In addition to eating healthy foods and drinks, the most important thing is to exercise. Exercising can help the body detoxify through sweating.

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