Too often staying up late makes a person sleep deprived. If you do it once in a while it’s fine. But if too often, there are a lot of health effects that can occur. Some of them are memory loss, weight, sexual life, and health. Lack of sleep is not something to be taken lightly. Normally a person has 7–9 hours of sleep per day. If not, here are the dangers that will arise.

The impact of staying up late

Difficult to Concentrate
The first danger of staying up late for the body is difficulty concentrating. Having enough sleep can be beneficial for thinking and learning processes. Lack of sleep can reduce alertness, concentration, reasoning and problem-solving abilities. Not only that, lack of sleep can also reduce a person’s memory.

Vulnerable to Accident
Being prone to accidents becomes a danger to stay up late for the next body. Lack of sleep will make you feel sleepy during the day. If you go to work using a private vehicle, accidents can happen. Not only accidents while going to work, lack of sleep can also cause accidents and injuries at work.

The Emergence of Serious Diseases
Staying up late is the cause of a number of dangerous problems for the body. Some diseases that harm the body due to staying up late include:

Heart disease
Heart attack
Heart failure
Increased heart rate
High blood pressure
Reduce Sexual Arousal
The danger of staying up late for the next body is lowering sexual arousal. Too often staying up late can reduce libido and reduce the desire to have sex. The reason is too much drained energy and excessive sleepiness. This condition does not only occur in men, women also have the same risk.

Risk of Triggering Obesity
Too often staying up late has the same effect as eating too much and not exercising enough. A person who does this often can be overweight or obese. Sleep alone is good for increasing the function of two hormones that are responsible for regulating hunger and satiety. If you don’t get enough sleep, these hormones will decrease, so your body will feel hungry all the time.

Decreased Hormone Production
Decreased hormone production is a danger to the body of the latter. Hormones that can decrease are growth hormone to testosterone. When men stay up too often, a decrease in the hormone testosterone can trigger the appearance of fat, lack of muscle mass, bone fragility, and easily tired.

How to Overcome the Habit of staying up late

Well, now you know, the negative impact of staying up late. There are some tips and ways that you can use to get out of the habit of staying up late. Here are some ways:

Discipline your sleep time so you don’t stay up late again
Start trying to discipline your sleep time. Sleep and wake up at the same time every day, including during holidays. This is so that the working system of your brain and body can adapt, so you can achieve your best sleep quality.

Anti-sleeping: exercise regularly
Mild exercise for at least 30 minutes can increase the happiness hormone in yourself. Such as dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. These three hormones can relax your body before bed. Do exercise three hours before bed, so as not to disturb your sleep cycle.

Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol so you don’t stay up late again
Caffeine consumed before bedtime can cause low levels of melatonin which is naturally produced by the body. The hormone melatonin is a natural hormone from the body that plays a role in the sleep process. Similar to nicotine, it can make it difficult for you to sleep too. Because when you consume nicotine before bed your body will get used to waking up and staying up until midnight. Because your body will not stop needing nicotine. Now if alcohol is consumed before bed, the effect can make it difficult for you to sleep. Rapid Eye Movement (REM). The type of sleep where you have entered the “dream sleep” phase.

Avoid big meals before bed to avoid staying up late
Eating a large meal before bed can cause indigestion that can interfere with your sleep time. The effect of this large meal can cause weight gain. Because during sleep the body’s metabolism slows down so that the incoming food is difficult for the digestive organs to digest.

Train to take a nap to avoid staying up late
Daytime is the most important time to regulate your sleep pattern. A nap of between 10 and 30 minutes can reduce fatigue, have a relaxing effect, and improve your mood. Avoid naps after three in the afternoon as it can cause you to experience sleep inertia or feeling dizzy and lightheaded after waking up.

Relaxation before bed so you don’t stay up late again
Clean your room and mind, eliminate everything that can ruin your relaxation time before bed. Like cell phones, overthinking thoughts, and others. Before going to bed you can meditate, read a book or be self-motivated for the success you have achieved. Self-motivation can eliminate the feeling of overthinking that often disturbs your mind when you want to sleep.

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