The reason of the importance of maintaining skin health!

Some people may neglect self-care or beauty.

But don’t let the Dude take care of themselves or merawatan beauty from the tip of the head to the feet.

In addition to making our physical well-groomed and beautiful look, there are several other reasons that can make Buddy Young to be someone who feels happy.

  • Help Set Up The Mood

Taking care of yourself will help to feel better about yourself. It can also help Buddy is not easy to get angry and feel calm.

  • Self-care Helps Improve memory Better

This may affect the performance of the Mate. Make sure to sleep between seven to nine hours. In addition nap for thirty minutes during the day will make the spirit when waking up.

  • Makes the Body Feel Fresh

Sports is one of the benatuk the other best self. You can start with running in twenty minutes a day. It is good for the heart, Buddy Young, in addition it is good for the strength of the body.

  • will Not Feel Stress

When taking care of yourself Buddy not easily stressed and more happy. Self-care from head-to-toe will make Buddy feel relax and stay positive to live day-to-day.

the Importance of Maintaining Skin Health is More than Just Beautiful

Doing daily activities both indoor and outdoor in a tropical country, has its own challenges to the skin Indonesian women, away from exposure to sun, air pollution, to be in AIR-conditioned room which is long enough.

Without realizing it, everyday activities such if done without keeping the health of the skin with the use of lotion every day, turns out to have the impact that the farther to the health.

Many Indonesian women only focus on maintaining the health and brightness of the skin of the face, namuncenderung ignore the care of the skin of the body as a whole. In fact, the skin is the outermost layer and the widest protect our body from the outside environment. In addition to the function as sensory organs and tool excretion, the skin helps retain moisture and to immunity or immune system.

The use of lotions nature is not merely to soften and brighten the skin. Furthermore, its use is very important for health. The Lotion is able to nourish the skin from the outside and keep the regeneration ability of the skin remains good.

“By him, it is very important to keep skin supple and healthy, because the quality of the skin is not only determines the aesthetic appearance but also provides optimum protection

The cycle of the regeneration of the skin as you get older will become increasingly slow, so it takes extra nutrition. “The provision of nutrients through the body lotion will produce healthy skin that is supple and bright,”

It is said the skin functions as a regulator of body temperature, as a stimulant, a regulator of evaporation, excretion, absorption, and retaining the water will be still maximum if guarded by the provision of nutrients through the body lotion that right.

“Choose care products that have content that is healthy and use regularly, because it conditions the skin healthy can’t be achieved in an instant. Healthy skin is most easily indicated with teksturyang supple to the touch and bright colors evenly,”

Healthy skin is not just to make us comfortable in the day but also protected from premature aging. The fact that the aging of the skin has been started since the age of 20 years, of course, this happens not only because of the age factor, but a factor of the health of the skin is also very influential.

“Other factors such as stress, nutritional intake, and rest time will also have an indirect impact,”. At least, premature aging that we can prevent by getting used to deliver nutrients early on a regular basis.

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