Getting to Know STP Marketing’s Audience Segmentation

Knowing segmentation allows the company to focus more on managing resources. In addition, it can make it easier for companies to get an overview of market competition. Understanding segmentation as a first step will provide a reference in determining the stage of marketing. One of the goals of STP (segmentation Targeting Positioning) marketing is knowing target brand and product segments that you have. Here Glints describes what points can help you in making segmentation.

1. Demographic

Determine your brand and product segmentation in STP marketing by sorting out target consumers based on age, gender, income, education, marital status, and occupation categories. Later, this division will make it easier for you to determine groups of customers and potential customers as your target market. , you can also determine customer needs by referring to the demographic data that you have created.

2. Psychographic

The psychographic stage is the stage of making segmentation on STP marketing which aims to get to know the target audience in more detail, including habits and tendencies during buying and selling transactions. You need to know social class, lifestyle, hobbies, to consumer or potential consumer interest in certain trends. Everyone have different characteristics. This will certainly determine their decision when buying a product. So is the lifestyle. To get this data, you need to do various ways such as interviews, surveys, and collecting customer data.

3. Geographic

Penting untuk mengetahui domisi tiap target konsumenmu saat membuat segmentasi pemasaran STP seperti negara, kota, desa, hingga perumahan.Hal ini akan memudahkan kamu untuk mengenal budaya dan cara berkomunikasi kepada mereka. Dengan begitu, kamu akan lebih maksimal dalam membuat iklan produk yang nantinya kamu jual.Kamu juga bisa sesuaikan dengan mengacu pada tiap lokasi, sehingga lebih mudah diterima dan audience akan merasa terkait saat melihat kampanye yang kamu buat.Selain itu, kamu juga bisa menentukan perkiraan berapa penjualan yang paling efektif agar menarik potensi pelanggan sesuai dengan daerah asal.

4. Kepercayaan

In recognizing segmentation, trust from the target audience is key. Beliefs here include religion, politics, culture, and life values. Understanding this aspect is useful for producing the right message and easy to digest or observe.

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