Be Careful, Herbal Medicines Can Also Be Dangerous

Herbal medicines are widely used by the people of Indonesia to treat certain symptoms or diseases. Although this medicine is made from natural ingredients and has been used for a long time, you need to know how to take safe herbal medicines to avoid side effects.

Indonesia is well known for its diversity of plants and spices which are often used as ingredients for medicines and herbal supplements, such as pearl grass, purwoceng, and beluntas leaves. However, there are also some herbal medicines made from animals or minerals.

In Indonesia, many herbal medicines are consumed as herbal medicine. However, now herbal medicines are also widely available in the form of powders, capsules, pills, and herbal teas.

Because they are made from natural ingredients, herbal remedies are often considered safer than medical drugs. In fact, herbal medicines can still cause side effects, especially if consumed too much or for a long time. Therefore, how to consume herbal medicines needs to be considered.

So, are herbal medicines safe for consumption?

According to Prof. Maksum Radji, Permanent Professor of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia, in order for an herbal medicine to be declared safe, the product must first be scientifically proven to be safe through a series of clinical trials, including acute toxicity tests, sub-acute toxicity tests, chronic toxicity tests, and teratogenic test, reported by Kompas. Herbal medicines must also be tested for dosage, method of use, effectiveness, monitoring of side effects, and interactions with other medicinal compounds.

Unfortunately, most of the herbal medicines circulating in Indonesia are classified as herbs and OHT (Standardized Herbal Medicines). Both are types of traditional medicine that have not been proven safe based on clinical trials. The efficacy of OHT can only be proven as far as experiments on lab animals. The results of these preclinical experiments are often used as the basis that herbal medicines can cure various diseases. Meanwhile, herbal medicine which usually uses a combination of spices and variations of recipes passed down from generation to generation does not have a definite dose and indication.

Dr. Peter Canter and Prof. Edzard Ernst from Peninsula Medical, reported by The Telegraph, revealed that so far strong clinical evidence that can prove the effectiveness of herbs and herbal medicines to cure diseases is still very limited. And because the potential side effects are suspected to outweigh the benefits, this lack of medical evidence may mean that the use of herbal remedies is not recommended.

Clinical Effectiveness of Herbal Medicines

Almost all plants used as herbal medicines have antioxidant effects. Thanks to the high antioxidant content, herbal medicines are often consumed to maintain health and reduce the risk of various diseases, such as cancer, dementia, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.

There are also herbal medicines that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-pain properties. That is why, herbal remedies are also often used to treat fever and pain due to inflammation or infection.

However, data on the effectiveness of herbal medicines for the treatment of diseases are still very limited. Although there are many people who feel better after taking herbal medicines, not a few also experience side effects, such as indigestion, dizziness, allergic reactions, or even poisoning.

Although generally considered natural, it does not mean that herbal medicines are completely safe, especially if they are not used properly. Therefore, you should first consult a doctor before taking herbal medicines, especially if you have certain medical conditions or are taking medicine from a doctor.

Tips for Safe Taking Herbal Medicines

Most of the natural ingredients used as herbal medicines are safe for consumption. Even so, herbal medicines still have the potential to cause side effects. Information about possible side effects is usually listed on the packaging of herbal medicinal products.

To avoid dangerous side effects, follow these tips when taking herbal medicines:

• Ensure that herbal products have been registered with BPOM RI.

• Check the product expiration date.

• Follow the instructions for use and dosage listed on the package.

• Contact herbal product customer service if you want to know more about their products.

• Consult a doctor first before taking herbal medicines.

• Stop using herbal medicine if symptoms do not improve or get worse.

Not everyone can also take herbal medicines. There are several groups that need to avoid taking herbal medicines, namely:

• Pregnant and lactating women

• People who will have surgery

• People with certain medical conditions, such as impaired liver function, impaired kidney function, or autoimmune diseases

In addition, herbal medicines cannot be taken with certain medicines, such as blood pressure lowering drugs, blood thinning drugs, and drugs for diabetes, because they can cause serious drug interactions and side effects.

Consumption of herbal medicine should not be arbitrary, especially if it is used to treat disease. In order not to experience dangerous side effects, apply the methods above to consume herbal medicines safely.

In addition, do not forget to consult with your doctor before taking herbal medicines. That way, the doctor can determine whether herbal medicines are safe for your condition, as well as determine the type and dosage of herbal medicines that suit your needs.

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