8 get to Know the Unique Tradition of Sundanese and the Meaning of his

A Unique tradition Sundanese much in the meet in West Java Bandung and about her. Variety of Cultural traditions of sunda still awake until now, such as Seren Taun, Nyekar and much more let know a unique tradition of sundanese and its meaning.

1. A Unique Tradition Seren Taun

Sundanese Village, Cigugur, Subdistrict of Cigugur, Kuningan Regency, West Java, is still strong with this tradition. Seren taun is a traditional ceremony of the Rice Harvest which is held every year. One of the unique tradition that is thick with the values of sundanese culture.

• What Is The Significance Of The Tradition Of The Seren Taun ?

Seren Taun is derived from the Sundanese Language, namely, ‘Seren‘ which means hand over, Seserahan (submit).The word ‘Epidemic‘ which means the Year, so the Seren Taun have the meaning of handover from a year ago to the coming year as part of the gratitude for the people to God Almighty for all the agricultural products that they get.

• When Implemented Seren Taun ?

This tradition is carried out in the period of annual as described above the Handover of the last year to year are coming soon so get mimin catch means in the end of the year at the turn of the year.

2. Tradition Ngaruwat Earth

A unique tradition that can be met in the village Banceuy, Ngaruwat Earth is a tradition that aims to mengunkapkan gratitude to the Creator and also as a tribute to the Ancestors.

Ngaruwat Earth itself comes from sundanese language the word ‘Ngarawat’ that have meaning to maintain or collect.So Ngaruwat the Earth can be interpreted gather members of the community and the earth, good raw materials, half-finished, or finished or mature.

• When implemented Ngaruwat Earth ?

The tradition of Ruwatan Bumi Village Banceuy held on Wednesday the end of the month Rayagung or the month of dhu al-Hijjah (the eve and welcome the new year of Islam).

3. The feast of the sea

The tradition of the Feast of the sea is not separated from the customs that had long been performed as implemented in the river Bondet precisely Mertasinga, Cirebon Regency.

The feast of the sea is a kind of ritual in the sea made by the fishermen each year on the river Bondet.

Characteristics of this ritual that wash away the head of a buffalo and offerings to the sea.

• The meaning and Purpose of the Feast of the Sea

The purpose of this ritual is an expression of gratitude to the Creator for the blessings and abundant sustenance breupa the catch of the sea.

4. The Tradition Of The Night Ngadulag

This tradition is closely associated with the Feast of Eid al-Fitr. Ngadulag have the meaning of hit the drum. This activity is done at night takbiran by small children to teenagers around while hitting the drum to welcome the Eid al-Fitr.

5. The Tradition Of Ramadan, Nyekar

This tradition is in fact done a lot of various tribes in Indonesia but his name is different times yes. In the area of the Sunda own Nyekar is a tradition before the Month of Ramadan in which people make a pilgrimage to the tomb of the family.

6. Nganteuran Unique Tradition Sundanese

Indonesia is rich in Culture and tradition as Nganteuran tradition where few visit or stay in touch and bring the food home cooking in the basket.

Usually done by people who are younger to older.

7. Sungkeman Unique Tradition Sundanese

From the name it’s not foreign again, said sungkem is already familiar in Indonesia du sundanese own Sungkeman is a tradition done right after performing the Eid prayers.The way to do it is sungkem ( sorry sorry’s ) fellow family and relatives and foremost is to the Parents, so on to the neighbors and relatives.

8. Tingkeban Unique Tradition Sundanese

One of the traditions of the phrase Congratulations to the people who get the Pregnancy, Usually done when the gestational age of 7 Months.Tingkeban only be done when the child is conceived is the first child for the mother and the Father.

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