Fingerprint is a technology that can detect a human fingerprint, the development of technology is very rapid, ranging from a device that is indeed special, or can only detect the fingerprints of course, the passage of time this technology is now found in a wide variety of devices such as, laptops, smartphones and a washing machine. This technology serves as a safety tool that is effective and efficient.
This technology also has advantages such as; easy to use, can detect fingerprints quickly, and provides the security that cutting-edge technology, this technology is very useful in the future, and can be used by all people.
Fingerprints sensor is one of the features present on a smartphone. Even this feature is almost mandatory on the latest smartphone. Fingerprints sensor (fingerprint sensor) into the security features on your smartphone as an access code to activate the phone. Although the access code to activate the mobile phone is already diverse (such as pin or pattern) but features a fingerprint sensor is still considered to be the latest technology.
But actually the fingerprint sensor is not using the same technology. Since first introduced, the fingerprint sensor has developed quite rapidly. Here are some of the technology fingerprint sensor on the smartphone that has been used.
Sensor technology on the phone actually follow the development of the existing technology in the market. So if there is the latest technology available, then the technology will be embedded in the mobile phone.
- Optical Fingerprint Scanners
Optical fingerprint scanner this is an early technology that is used to read fingerprints. As the name implies, this technology is using picture or image of the fingerprint taken and process it using a special algorithm. This algorithm is used to analyze the unique elements of the fingerprints such as wrinkles on the tip of your finger or a special sign that another and analyze the parts dark and light of the fingerprint image.
How it works similar to the attendance using fingerprint. When You put your finger on the surface of the sensor, there will be a light to read the part where the dark and light. After that, the data will be stored in memory. On the screen type OLED, sensors of this type are usually placed on the screen because OLED is able to determine the part of the pixels of the screen next to where that light up. Different with IPS screen that is entirely lit up and can interfere with the scanning process.
However, because the optical fingerprint scanner is only able to take a 2D image and not able to determine the indentation of the fingerprint, as a result these sensors are easily cheated by using the fingerprint image is fake. - Capacitive Fingerprint Scanners
Advanced technology is a scanner capacitive. Capacitive Sensor using the arrangement of a small capacitor on the sensor to take the fingerprint data. The Sensor works based on the change of charge of the electrical energy can be stored by the sensor due to changes in the distance of the plates, changing the cross-sectional area and changes in the volume of dielectric capacitive sensor such. The concept of the capacitors in the capacitive sensor is the process of storing and removing the electrical energy in the form of charge-electric charge on a capacitor which is influenced by the surface area, the distance and the material of dielectric materials.
After a detailed fingerprint is stored, the data digital fingerprints will be analyzed to search for the unique pattern that will be saved and will be called back when needed. Capacitive Sensor this can’t be tricked with a photo. Only, when the fingers are used in the circumstances of the wet, the sensor will be the difficulty of detecting the current that is needed.
- 3D Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanners
The latest technology is a 3D ultrasonic scanner. Called 3D because the imagery produced as well as 3-dimensional display. Even ‘in-screen fingerprint reader’ which used ultrasonic scanner this is a new trend in mobile design because it does not take up space in the body and according to the concept of the screen and the bezel which is minimal.
The technology of 3D fingerprint sensor developed by Qualcomm uses sound waves to read the fingerprint. With sensors embedded into the (one of the few layer) mobile phone screen, Your toes still touch the surface of the screen (not the sensor), but the skin send electrical signals which then activate the sensor. Then the sensor sends sound waves into the skin, read the detail of the surface of the skin (including indentation and turn fingerprints) and save the information to the processor. Not only that, the sound waves (sound waves) that is sent is also able to detect the flow of blood. So that it will refuse scan the injured finger or fingers that do not have blood flow. Qualcomm even claim ultrasonic fingerprint sensor can read the surface of the finger to a depth of 4mm.
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