What is a crooked tooth?

The crooked teeth are also known as overbite or malocclusion. This condition occurs when the position of the upper teeth is more advanced than the position of the lower teeth. The normal difference in the distance between the upper and lower rows of teeth is usually not very noticeable, but it can be said to be clumsy if the distance is more than 2 mm.

A person is said to have slanted teeth, if:

• The size of the upper jaw is larger than the normal size, but the size of the lower jaw is normal.

• The size of the upper jaw is normal, but the size of the lower jaw is smaller than normal.

Causes of crooked teeth

thumb sucking
Thumb sucking is a common instinct for young children because they can no longer suck on the mother’s nipple. However, sucking your thumb for a long time can put pressure on your front teeth and cause them to move forward.

sucking pacifier
Sucking on a pacifier or pacifier can also be one of the factors that triggers children to have slanted teeth. Research published in the Journal of the American Dental Association in 2016 said that the teeth of children who like to suck pacifiers tend to be more advanced than children who do not suck pacifiers.

Disorders of the arrangement of teeth and jaw bones
Loose or crooked teeth can cause the appearance of the upper teeth to be more advanced.

A toothless condition in your upper teeth, for example, can shift other teeth and affect the position of your front teeth.

Likewise, if the space for the teeth to grow is not sufficient. Growing teeth can damage the jawbone and tooth structure, causing some teeth to be positioned more forward than others.

Tumors in the mouth
Tumors in your mouth or jaw can also change the position of your teeth and the shape of your jaw. Abnormal growth of soft tissue or bone in the mouth or upper jaw can cause teeth to shift forward. As a result, your teeth look more advanced.

Effective treatment for crooked teeth

There are several methods that can be used to make the claret teeth return to their normal position. All these treatment methods can only be carried out by a dentist. So far, there is no natural way to treat crooked teeth that has been scientifically proven.

• Braces with brackets

Braces are the most common method of treating crooked teeth. In teenagers or adults, the type of braces used is usually permanent braces that use brackets. These braces will help push the teeth back while straightening the arrangement of teeth so that you no longer look crooked. This treatment usually has to be followed for several years. The milder the case, the faster the treatment will generally be.

• Removable braces

Removable braces are commonly used in children whose teeth are already visible. These removable braces are usually accompanied by an expansion plate that will be placed on the roof of the mouth to help widen the jaw. So, the jaw has enough space to accommodate the permanent teeth that will grow and do not make the child look barren.

• Clear aligners

Currently, there are clear aligners that can be used to straighten teeth. This tool can be removed and installed by the user himself. However, to get maximum results, clear aligners need to be used for at least 20 hours a day. However, they are usually smaller and thinner in size, adjusting to the curve of your tooth arrangement. To be able to start this treatment, you must first undergo an examination by a dentist to be able to make a complete treatment plan. Clear aligners should be replaced every few months, as the teeth begin to change position.

• Jaw surgery

In some cases, the teeth look crooked because of the excessive growth of the jawbone. In this case, the use of braces or other treatments will not be effective in making the teeth look more backward. Therefore, surgery is the only way to go.