9 Facts Outer Space, There is a Super Scary

 There are facts about space that can be scary for those of us who reside on the planet earth.There are some facts that could have been scary in outer space. Such facts can make You grateful that You’re on earth. Lately there are some billionaires who go to space and can even be a strategy of long-term survival. However, there are some facts in outer space that is unusual and could be scary for You.

 The following 9 facts space that could be scary, reported from Lifehacker

  1. We can’t see, but are able to tilt the universe

 There is something in the space between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela interesting group of galaxies at him. A mysterious object is too far away for us to see, but we can observe galaxy clusters moving with incredible speed. Scientists suspect that these things can be very large so basically tilt the universe

2. Space has a smell

Astronauts who return from spacewalks to report the smell of another world that attaches to a space suit them. According to astronaut Thomas Jones, space to bring the smell of ozone distinctive, sharp and faint as gunpowder, sulphur. Read Also : An Object of the Rare with the Tail Along the 720.000 km to Explore the Solar system

3. There are graves of the galaxy 

“The grave of the galaxy” or the name of the official MACS 2129-1. No one knows, but the new galaxy which is located 10 billion light-years from Earth this stop making stars a few billion years after the Big Bang. Now this galaxy consists of a red dwarf stars are dying and exoplanet black. This is one of the six dead galaxy found this year.

4. There is a planet where the ice is burning

Gliese 436 b is an extrasolar planet the size of Neptune, which is located about 30 light-years from Earth. The force of gravity has the great press of the planet’s water became Ice-X. Although the planet is about 1000 degrees, the Ice-X does not melt.

5. There is a planet where the rain glass

Exoplanet HD 189733b looks like a oasis blue peaceful from a distance, but on the surface there is a wind blowing up to 5,400 mph, and rain of molten glass.

6. There is (probably) dead animals orbiting the earth

In the early days of space exploration, a test pilot in the non-human launched into space on a regular basis. Sometimes some dogs, chimpanzees, rats, cats, frogs, and other animals back safely. Some died during re-entry or landing. Some also fly and has never been found.

7. The theory of “white holes”

Same as the black hole whisk all the matter and light into some of the existence of the unimaginable or non-existence. Some scientists argue that white holes are also there. Theoretically, they are the mirror image of a black hole, namely a region of space-time where no one can get in and everything or anything can come out. Scientists think that the white hole created the whole universe with the issue it all at once, and maybe the Big Bang is a white hole.

8. Outer space have attacked the earth and can strike back

Geomagnetic storms occur on Earth in the year 1859, when coronal mass ejections from the sun hit our planet. There are aurora colorful brighter than the moon and a variety of machine telegraph fails and some burning. If similar events occur now the whole power network and communication we can be extinguished in an instant.9

9. Become an astronaut can be a bad thing

Become an astronaut could be scary. The skin on Your feet will peel off, dirt floating unless You wear a diaper space, cosmic radiation, which can cause a number of Health problems, and a sense of boredom and alienation.

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