Almost everyone is now able to come into contact with the internet. Especially with the demands of work and school assignments today, which are starting to switch to using an internet connection. It must be admitted that the existence of the internet really helps people’s lives today. However, no matter how sophisticated human-made technology, it will leave some drawbacks. So is the internet. Weaknesses that exist on the internet are generally caused by errors or errors from the program, such as problems with network connections or problematic websites.

You may have experienced this while trying to access something from the internet. 404 Error: Page Not Found is probably an error code that we often find on the internet. However, this error code is just one of many error codes that can appear on the internet. Some people may not know the meaning of these error codes and prefer to close the window of the website. In fact, some error codes on the internet can be solved.

To increase your insight in surfing the internet, here are some meanings of error codes on the internet that are often encountered and how to overcome them, as reported by websolutions.com.

1. Error 400: Bad Request

The first meaning of the error code on the internet is Error code 400. Error 400 is a common error that you get when the server is unable to understand the request from the browser, either because it was sent incorrectly or because it was corrupted.

Error 400 can be caused by a number of factors, such as a poor internet connection, caching issues, or a browser malfunction. To fix this, try checking your internet connection and settings, clear the cache, open another browser, and try again.

2. Error 401: Authorization Required

The second meaning of the error code on the internet is the Error code 401. Error 401 occurs when you try to access a web page that requires a password. There is no solution to this one other than getting the right password.

3. Error 403: Forbidden

The third meaning of the error code on the internet is the Error code 403. This 403 error appears when trying to load a web page, but does not have permission to access it. Usually, this error code indicates that you have entered a URL or clicked on a link whose web page requires access permission. In this case, you will need to have an account or some other type of authorization in order to access the web page. Try going to the home page of the website and check if the web section has an option to create an account.

4. Error 404: Not Found

The fourth meaning of the error code on the internet is the Error code 404. Error 404 is an error code that often appears. This error code indicates that the server could not find the page you are looking for. With the error code appearing, it’s possible that your URL was entered incorrectly, so double-check the spelling, punctuation, and suffix (.com, .net, .org, etc.) of the domain name, and try again.

5. Error 405: Method Not Allowed

The fifth meaning of the error code on the internet is the Error code 405. Error 405 may indeed be rare and difficult to define than others. Basically, Error 405 means that the server understands what the web browser is asking for, but refuses to fulfill the request. Error 405 can be the result of an error in the website code or an incorrect redirect.

6. Error 500: Internal Server Error

The next meaning of the error code on the internet is the Error code 500. Error 500 is one of the most common Error codes, and like Error 400, it is a generic code that indicates an unspecified problem. Whenever the server encounters a problem that prevents it from fulfilling the request, and the problem cannot be explained by any other server code, the server raises an Error 500. To resolve this, try reloading the web page, clearing cache, clearing cookies, and restarting the browser.

7. Error 503: Service Unavailable

The last meaning of the error code on the internet is Error 503. Error 503 indicates that the web server was unable to process the request. When you get Error 503, it means the server is under maintenance, or is oversubscribed. To overcome this Error 503, it would be better if you try to re-open the website in a while.