6 Ways to Check Instagram Account Blocked by Friends or Not

Instagram has a block feature in its app. With this feature, users can block other accounts that they want to avoid or are considered annoying. With this block feature, it is also possible that you will be blocked by other people. When your Instagram account is blocked, you cannot see the activity of the blocking account. Instagram also does not give notifications to users whose accounts are blocked by others. In other words, users have to find out for themselves whether your account is really blocked by friends, relatives, coworkers, or other parties. How to check Instagram is blocked by a friend or not is quite easy, it doesn’t even need an additional application. There are six ways you can try to make sure that someone has blocked your Instagram account

1. View the account that allegedly blocked you
You certainly have suspicions of certain accounts blocking you. To be sure, go to the profile of the account.
When the person’s account appears and you can still see the uploads (if the account is unlocked), it means you are not blocked. On the other hand, if the person’s profile is unlocked but you can’t see the uploads, followers and following, it means that your Instagram account is blocked by that person. Second, for a private account, aka private (locked), if you can still see your profile photo, number of uploads, number of followers and following, and there is still a statement “This account is private”, this means that your account is not blocked by that person.

2. Check comments and tags
Even if someone blocks you, Instagram won’t remove old comments or tags from your own profile.

3. Search for username via browser
The way to check Instagram is blocked by a friend or not is to look for the username of the account you suspect through the browser. The way to find it is by typing instagram.com/username. You just need to copy and change the “username” with the Instagram account of the friend who allegedly blocked you. When using a browser, you must also log into your Instagram account via the same browser. If the search results appear and it says “Sorry, this page isn’t available” or “Sorry, this page isn’t available”, it means that your account has been blocked.

4. Check Direct Message history
If you’ve ever messaged Instagram direct message (DM) with someone suspected of blocking you, try checking the chat history. There are several possibilities that could also happen. If your chats are missing from Instagram DMs, it means you are blocked.

5. Follow back
How to check Instagram is blocked by friends or not to find out whether the Instagram account is by following (following) again. You can try to check if you can follow it or not. If your account is blocked, you will not be able to follow the account at all.

6. Use another account
How to check Instagram is blocked by a friend or not, the last one that can be used is to check it with another account. If you have a second account, try to find the account of the person who has allegedly blocked you from using that account. You can also use a friend’s account to search for the profile of the person in question. If the profile appears when searched using a second account or your friend’s, this means that your account has been blocked.

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