8 Ways to Maintain the Health of the Heart that Need to be Done Every Day

8 Ways to Maintain the Health of the Heart that Need to be Done Every Day
Heart disease is one of the non-communicable diseases are a scourge on society.
This disease often appears suddenly and not infrequently claimed the lives of the sufferer.
Reported Health, everyone is at risk of suffering from heart disease.
However, the chances of suffering from the disease is higher if You:
Patients with high cholesterol or hypertension
Excess weight or obesity
The less moves and rarely exercise
Do not run the healthy eating
Women aged over 55 years and men over the age of 45 years
Coming from a family of people with heart disease
Although the risk factors of the disease is quite a lot, the good news is, a lot of the way to prevent heart disease.
Here are some ways to maintain the health that need to be done every day:

  1. Eating foods that are good for heart health
    Maintaining a healthy diet is important for maintaining heart health.
    Reported Heart Foundation, foods that are good for heart health requires a combination of whole grains, fiber, antioxidants, and unsaturated fat.
    So a healthy heart, a person also need to limit the intake of saturated fat, trans fat, salt, and sugar.
    For the sake of prevention of heart disease, eat more fruits and vegetables every day. In addition, replace carbohydrates daily with this type of minimal process. Suppose brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, etc.
    For fats, avoid or minimize intake of fat is not healthy such as red meat, organ meats, butter, fried foods, or fast food.
    Select the type of healthy fat that contains a lot of omega-3 and omeha-6 such as avocado, oil zaitut, fish, until the nuts.
    It is no less important, use natural spices to minimize the intake of salt and flavor enhancer.
  2. More active
    The body actively engaged and regular exercise is the main part how to maintain the health of the heart.
    With active body, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and excess weight can be prevented.
    As alluded to earlier, the trio including risk factors for heart disease due to lifestyle factors.
    If You haven’t got a routine of sports or are lazy to move, try starting up good habits with realistic targets.
    Don’t need to be grandiose, start with walking 30 minutes every day.
    In addition, reduce the habit of sitting all the time without a pause.
    Get up from your seat and walking lightweight just take water or to the toilet every 20 minutes.
  3. Avoid smoking
    How to prevent heart disease other, avoid smoking.
    Active and passive smokers are equally at risk of suffering from heart disease.
    For smokers, begin to ask the support of medical professionals to the program unfollow smoking.
    In addition to protecting yourself, stop smoking also protect people around you from the dangers of exposure to cigarette smoke that You embuskan, especially in a confined space.
  4. Lowers high cholesterol
    How to maintain the health of the heart of the other, namely to control cholesterol levels.
    Cholesterol is a fat that circulates throughout the body in the blood.
    Our body naturally produces cholesterol. Cholesterol can also be increased from some of the food consumed.
    Eating too many foods that contain saturated and trans fats can raise cholesterol levels.
    Cholesterol is important to support the performance of the body. But, if the levels are excessive, the bad cholesterol (LDL) can be attached in the walls of the arteries, as well as trigger the formation of plaque prickly heart attack.
    The primary step to control cholesterol is routinely check the levels of blood cholesterol.
  5. Control blood pressure
    Prevent heart disease also need to involve the blood pressure is controlled.
    High blood pressure can lead to heart disease.
    Prevent blood pressure cleaner to minimize the intake of salt, one teaspoon or five grams per day.
    Regular exercise can also make the levels of blood pressure remains controlled.
  6. Manage stress
    How to maintain the health of the heart that is often overlooked is managing stress.
    Launched WebMD, stress can interfere with the health of the heart and overall health.
    Take the time to keep your mind relaxed and calm every day.
    You can work on a hobby, practice meditation, or doing something fun.
  7. Take care of oral hygiene
    Maintaining dental hygiene is a preventive measure for heart disease that needs to be done every day.
    According to the Cleveland Clinic, dental health is an indicator of health, including heart health.
    Based on the research, the bacteria in the mouth is the source of gum disease can move into the bloodstream and increase the proteins that trigger inflammation of the blood vessels.
    These conditions can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  8. Enough sleep
    Enough sleep is an important part of how to maintain the health of the heart.
    Research shows that sleeping less than six hours a day can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
    According to experts, lack of sleep can cause blood pressure to rise and trigger inflammation.
    For the sake of prevention of heart disease, try to sleep at least seven hours every day

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