5 Uniqueness of the Peacock Dance that must be Known

The uniqueness of the peacock dance is located at the costume that has a shape like a peacock, ranging from siger shaped like peacocks, the wing and a shirt with the motif peacock feathers. In addition there are also some other uniqueness that makes this dance is very distinctive and charming.

The nation of Indonesia is known as a country that not only the rich of the earth but also rich in culture. Start in the field of the art of dance, literary arts, fine arts (fine arts applied & fine arts), art music, art, buildings and so forth.

The uniqueness of the dance of the Area of Indonesia is very much and it was hard if it should be mentioned one-on-one. Every province even every region in Indonesia has a diverse culture, like the culture of the javanese, culture of batak culture, nusa tenggara timur, including the province of west java, which has a unique dance, that dance of the peacock. Well, this time we will discuss about the Dance of the Peacock and its uniqueness as the main attraction of the typical dances of the region of west java. Yuk, check out the article below!

What’s the Peacock Dance?

Originating from West Java, this dance is very famous with the story of the life of his peacock interesting. The peacock dance is a dance group that displays the movement of the new creation with express life of a peacock. Creations movement that formed the dance is taken from the behavior of the peacock itself.

But do you know how to history of this dance? So, in around the 1950s a choreographer of West Java, namely Tjetjep Soematri, creating a dance called as dance of the peacock. He is inspired from kehiudpan animal that has fluffy fur and a head like wearing the crown.

But now on its development, the peacock dance is increasingly changing. In the beginning, the dance is performed in pairs. Which symbolizes the bad peafowl peacocks and females. While on this day we encounter many performances peacock dance is only performed by women as a peahen course.

The Uniqueness Of The Peacock Dance

After knowing in brief about the explanation of the peacock dance, we must also know the uniqueness behind this dance. The uniqueness of the dance that eventually create a special attraction for the audience. What is its uniqueness? This he :

1. The costumes used by the dancers are very beautiful and really illustrates the poor peacock. Her dress is made like a peacock feather are beautiful and colorful, complete with wings and a crown resembling a bird’s head.

2. The story of the life of a peacock depicted through his every move. Movement of the male peacock and the female was different. Male peacock weakness in the beauty of the feathers of its tail pasa currently attract female birds.

3. The dance is performed in pairs and tell about a peacock who want to attract the attention of a peacock the female.

4. Musical accompaniment of the dance is an accompaniment gendingdari lagu Macan Ucul.

5. Bonang’ll be beaten to sound harsh on each part of the movement depicting a pair of peacocks are making out.

Well, although this dance was born and raised in West Java, but taran is already well known to foreign tourists, Loh! It also seems to underlie the students in Denpasar and Bali artists other to create tari Manuk Rawa, which has the concept is almost the same with the peacock dance is.

Then an explanation of the Uniqueness of the Peacock which is certainly beneficial for all of you. The uniqueness of the other dances such as the uniqueness of the saman dance, the uniqueness of the kecak dance and the uniqueness of the dance of the minangkabau plate has also been discussed previously. Hopefully, with the information that given time this can enhance our appreciation and can reap the benefits of learning art.

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