Have you ever heard of HIV or AIDS, or have people around you had it? Then, how this disease can arise?. What are the symptoms?
But, did you know that HIV and AIDS are two different diseases? So, what are the differences? Come on, take a good look at the article reviews below about HIV and AIDS.
Before that, let’s know more about HIV and AIDS!

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system which further weakens the body’s ability to fight infection and disease. Drugs or methods of treating HIV have not been found. By undergoing certain medications, people with HIV can slow the progression of the disease, so people with HIV can live a normal life. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a condition in which HIV is in the final stage of infection. When a person has AIDS, the body no longer has the ability to fight off the infection it causes.

The emergence of HIV and AIDS
AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV that enters the body will destroy CD4 cells. CD4 cells are part of the white blood cells that fight infection. The fewer CD4 cells in the body, the weaker a person’s immune system will be.
HIV transmission occurs when blood, sperm, or vaginal fluids from an infected person enter another person’s body. This can happen in a number of ways, including:
Sex. HIV infection can occur through sexual intercourse either through the vagina or rectum (anal). Although very rare, HIV can also be transmitted through oral sex. However, transmission through oral sex will only occur if there are open sores in the patient’s mouth, such as bleeding gums or canker sores.
Sharing needles. Sharing the use of syringes with people with HIV, is one way that can make someone infected with HIV. For example, using shared needles when making tattoos, or when using injecting drugs.
Blood transfusion. HIV transmission can occur when a person receives a blood donation from an HIV patient.
In addition to the various ways above, HIV can also be transmitted from pregnant women to the fetus they contain. Transmission of the HIV virus to children can also occur during childbirth, or through breast milk during breastfeeding.
Please note, HIV does not spread through skin contact such as shaking hands or hugging people with HIV. Transmission also does not occur through saliva, unless the patient has canker sores, bleeding gums, or there are open sores in the mouth.

Symptoms of HIV and AIDS
Symptoms of HIV are divided into several stages. The first stage is the acute infection stage, and occurs in the first few months after a person is infected with HIV. At this stage, the infected person’s immune system forms antibodies to fight the HIV virus.
In most cases, symptoms at this stage appear 1-2 months after infection occurs. Patients generally do not realize that they have been infected with HIV. This is because the symptoms that appear are similar to flu symptoms, and can disappear and recur. Please note, at this stage the amount of virus in the bloodstream is quite high. Therefore, the spread of infection is easier at this stage.

Symptoms of the acute stage of infection can be mild to severe, and can last up to several weeks, which include:
Pain in joints and muscles.
Swollen lymph nodes.
Stomach ache.
Sore throat and canker sores on the tongue and in the oral cavity.
Fever to chills
The appearance of a rash on the skin (skin infection)
Late latent infection is treated too late, will make the HIV virus continues to grow. This condition makes HIV infection enter the third stage, namely AIDS.

When the patient enters this stage, the immune system is severely damaged, making the patient more susceptible to other infections. Its symptoms include:
Sweating at night.
White patches on the tongue, mouth, genitals, and anus.
Purple spots on the skin that don’t go away. This complaint may indicate the presence of Kaposi’s sarcoma.
Fever that lasts more than 10 days.
Weight loss for no known reason.
Chronic diarrhea.
Nerve disorders, such as difficulty concentrating or memory loss.
Yeast infection in the mouth, throat, or vagina.
Easy bruising or bleeding for no reason.
Irritable and depressed.
Rashes or spots on the skin.
Hard to breathe.
The body always feels weak.

Difference between HIV and AIDS
Many people think that HIV and AIDS are the same type of disease. In fact, the diagnosis of these two diseases is different, but can go hand in hand. What this means is that HIV is a virus that can cause a condition known as AIDS, which is often referred to as stage 3 HIV. This disorder can cause problems with a person’s immune system. Here’s the full explanation:
HIV is the Virus
HIV is a virus that can cause damage to the immune system when it enters the body. The term HIV itself stands for human immunodeficiency virus. The name means that this virus can only be infected in humans and attacks the immune system. When the infection spreads, the immune system in the body cannot work as effectively as before.
Everyone’s immune system can completely clear many viruses from the body, but HIV is different. However, some medications can control the virus so effectively that its life cycle stops. One of the treatments that can be done is antiretroviral which is done regularly and hope to live close to normal.

AIDS is a Condition Caused by HIV
Although HIV is a virus that can cause infection, AIDS is a condition that can occur as a result of infection with the virus. AIDS itself stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. A person who is infected with HIV and continues to be left without getting treatment immediately can develop, thus entering the condition of AIDS. Therefore, early diagnosis is very important to do. AIDS can develop when the virus has caused serious damage to the immune system. It is a complex condition with different symptoms for each person. A person can have HIV without developing AIDS, but it is not possible to have AIDS without first getting HIV. The way to prevent AIDS from occurring is to routinely carry out antiretroviral therapy.

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