User interface design or user interface (UI) plays an important role in the success of a website or app. Similarly, the design of the user experience (UX). If the user cannot find what they are looking for or access anything easily, they tend to leave the service.

These Tips help you generate an interesting design user

So your design is successful well received by the users, here are 10 tips to design a product or feature, in order to ‘sell’ in the eyes of the user. See the good-good, yes!

1. Think as a user

For designing the UI and UX is good, you have to think as to how users think. By having this point of view, you are able to consider each user’s preferences when accessing a particular application.

2. Get to know the audience

You must know your audience when you want to make a UI or UX. It can be you’re looking for with research UI/UX of the company’s competitors and their consumers.

3. Create content and features are easily accessible

When the user is in the site or the app that you design, they definitely have a goal to access something or to learn the features and existing products. The key is, don’t make them difficult to access such things.

4. Avoid scrolling excessive

Don’t let the user do the scrolling too much. Trying to add a button that is interesting for users to access other features with long content.

5. Master of typography

The science of typography will help the user to browse the site or app you. For writings in your design remains simple, concise, and interesting to read.

6. Keep it simple

The designer behind the logo of FedEx, Lindon Leader said, the key to good design is simplicity and all-round clear. Users love the layout which is simple, but has a color, icon, and interesting images.

7. Make it easy for users

In designing the site or application, the main aim of you is to make sure users don’t need to click on the help button on the screen. Arrange content in such a way, so that users don’t need to spend a long time looking for a button to simply enter items into the cart or select a payment method.

8. Add options and shortcuts

Give the option of “More” or “Hide” to the content length. The goal is that the user can get past the content they don’t want. This way, you have helped the user uses the services developed.

9. Test and develop again

Do the test again and again so that the design you’re going to develop to be better.

10. Ask for advice

Don’t be shy to ask for advice from other people. Therefore, these suggestions will keep you growing in the create UI design or UX.

In addition to the notice of the design, as a UI/UX Designer you also need to consider the convenience of the user. Well, so that you can produce an attractive design and sell in the eyes of the user, begin to practice some of the tips above. Good luck!

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