Whether humans will successfully build a civilization in outer space?

In the mid-1970s, a physicist named Gerard o’neill reflect on the potential future of mankind in outer space. He concluded that what was thought by his colleagues wrong.

At that time, a lot of people talk about settling other planets, but he realized, not all planets in the Solar system worth living.

Most of the planet who want to live in it has the atmosphere that is hard. And due to gravity in the Moon, back and forth to Earth will spend a lot of fuel.

Instead, o’neill imagine a settlement hover, not far from Earth, shaped like a cylinder.

People can live in it, with the city-a green city because of the forests, lakes and fields. The idea of this sounds grandiose, but thanks to the stunning visuals are also made — one of them below — dream o’neill inspire a generation.

In the decade of the 1980s, a student attending the seminar o’neill at the University of Princetown. He noted carefully the ideas of his professors.

This young man determined to be the “entrepreneur of outer space” and view the settlements beyond the Earth as one of the ways to ensure the future of mankind.

“This earth is limited,” he told the newspaper his high school at a time. “And if the economy and the world’s population continues to grow, space is the only place left.”

Later, he managed to collect so much money, some of which later he used to fund his ambition is.

The name of the student that? Jeffrey Preston Bezos.

To understand why a wealthy person like Bezos wanted to go into space, we must understand the influence they have. For lay people, the business corporation Bezos, Blue Origin, and some competitors may seem like a project to show off to a wealthy man, with a rocket that is too expensive.

And for some people, the time they choose to do sightseeing outer space could not be more insensitive again. The reason is, it’s done in the midst of climate change, pandemic, inequality is widening, and the problems of the world.

But underlying the rich people are the motivation that should be explored further: the idea to save the human race in the long term to the outer space.

Bezos isn’t the first person to say that the move to outer space is the only way to guarantee the future of mankind.

Since one of the last century, already a lot of people who dreamed of creating a civilization beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. This dream is likely to continue imagined by generations to come, even long after Bezos none.

The belief that the colonization of the galaxy could save the future of mankind can be traced back since hundreds of years ago. It may be hard to imagine now, but when it is, not all people believe that the Universe is uninhabited and open for live.

Until the end of the 1800s and the early 20th century, many philosophers “feel that the Universe is full of values and a humanoid” said Thomas Moynihan, who studied intellectual history at the University of Oxford.

In his writings recently, he said, when people imagine the world of the other, they also think of other civilizations who already lived there — instead of imagining the barren planet in a vacuum bleak and empty.

“No one imagined the man went to another place and then gone outside space which was previously uninhabited,” he said.

“Since then, there have been stories about a trip to the Moon and other planets, even the stories that often flavored conflict, but in fact it was just a trip. Travel to search for the occupants of a suspicious, and similar with human.”

The idea that most of the area of the cosmos is empty — a large area that can be explored human — therefore, it is consciousness that is new in human history, said Moynihan.

What makes scholars began to think seriously about the settlements in outer space is the awareness that our species could be extinct one day, either because of the death of the Sun or the fate of the other bad.

For a while, imagining the end of the world is always accompanied by pessimism. But in the early 1900s, the discovery that atoms can contain the power of very big splashing wave of recent optimism that the colonization of the galaxy can be a long-term solution, further Moynihan.

One of the ideas most attractive come from experts rocket Russian, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who imagine living on top of an asteroid with a spacecraft nuclear-powered.

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