What is ‘dark star’ row form the universe?

The universe is so vast it may be formed with the help of a dark matter particle that can not be observed. The search process begins to prove that the material and ‘dark star’ that he’s created, is real.

Think of all that we know is present in the universe – cosmic furnaces big as the Sun. Gas giants that dwarf our planet. A series of asteroids rushing to the empty space. And the stars are so far away, the sun is hot, which is located thousands of light years from our sun.

This is all just made up less than 5% of the mass of the universe. And the rest? Mostly still a mystery.

There is one element that may be formed around 25% of the universe. We can’t see or feel it. Material that can not interact with light. Not even become part forming the base, the electron and proton in the atom are found in all the material.

This is the “dark matter”, and the researchers are trying to understand what material it is for a few decades.

Theoretical astrophysicists Katherine Freese is one who are looking for material forming this mysterious. Thirty years ago, his theories of adhesive invisible which helps form the universe to be the reason of the construction of a particle accelerator underground around the Earth, like a machine at Cern, Europe.

And what particles they are looking for? Called Wimps, and according to Freese, the stars formed from material that is still diangan-contemplate this and can even help create the cosmos, billions of years ago.

Wimps, or Large Particles with Weak Interactions (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), is a large particle that does not interact with the electromagnetic force. This make them the “dark” – they could not be observed using the sensor electromagnetic that has been used by humans to investigate the universe during the last century.

But thanks to the theory of supersymmetry – that stated that every particle is known to have “anti-matter” balanced – there is a void in the atlas particle current, and Wimps as if filling the hole with awesome. Where they are but does not leave a trace because they are reluctant to interact with the particles of conventional surround them.

“If we take all of the objects in everyday life – your body, the chair you’re sitting in, the air you breathe, the walls around us, add planets, add the stars- all of it, is made of atoms, we understand, but all of the material atoms only make up around 5% of the universe – 5%! So 95% of the other we must find out. And that’s where the dark matter and dark energy come”, said Katherine Freese.

“When you see these things – and there are billions of things that you see every second – you are not conscious because nuclear power is very weak, so not much has happened.”

So how do you prepare for looking for something that you did not expect?

“A good analogy for dark matter is the wind. We can’t see directly the wind, not visible, but we are very sure that it’s there because the wind made the leaves move. The same thing applies with the dark matter. We see that it’s interesting stuff… that is the material, which means to feel the gravity. It gathered and interesting things. That’s why we know it’s there, even though we don’t know exactly it’s made of what.”

Then if Wimps really there – and Freese believe it – they should first appeared after the Big Bang.

Freese investigate this theory by astrophysicist other Paolo Gondolo from the University of Utah and Doug Spolyar from the University of Stockholm in Sweden. They are basically looking for a ‘dark stars’ first formed in the early formation of the universe.

In spite of its name, the star of ancient dark can be just shine with a very bright – with the energy coming from dark matter. And some might be in a place far away from the universe, shine with amazingly.

“Star-dark stars could have originated from something so big like the Sun, but they can continue to grow up to a million times the mass of the sun and a billion times brighter.”

The sun of the dark matter may be formed about 200 million years after the Big Bang

“The telescope is the new big, the James Webb – the continuation of the Hubble space telescope of the famous – which may be able to find the dark star. If that happens, not only can we find the stars who are completely new, which is of course very spirit, but also prove that the energy of the universe comes from the Wimps. So the problem was also solved.”

This can signal the end of one search the most challenging in modern science. The researchers have been trying to solve the problem of dark matter since the 1930s, but there is a possibility they appear before it.

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