Vitamins Needed During a Pandemic

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a mainstay during a pandemic. This vitamin has antioxidants that can help increase the body’s resistance and can reduce inflammation. In addition, reported from, this vitamin is also able to renew the cells in the body, so that people who are sick will recover quickly. The recommended dose limit for taking this vitamin is 250-1000 mg. If excessive, there will be side effects that may occur, namely symptoms of digestive disorders, such as nausea and diarrhea
This vitamin can also be obtained from several foods, such as:

  1. Guava

One fruit that is known to be rich in vitamin C is guava. In a guava contained about 125 milligrams of vitamin C. This amount is equivalent to 140% of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

  1. Orange

One orange contains approximately 70 milligrams of vitamin C. This amount is sufficient for vitamin C per day. Besides being eaten whole, oranges can also be processed into fresh drinks, such as orange juice. In every cup of orange juice, there are at least 125 milligrams of vitamin C.

  1. Papaya

One serving bowl or about 150 grams of papaya fruit contains about 90 milligrams of vitamin C. This amount is clearly sufficient for the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. This fruit, which is commonly found in Indonesia, is also believed to be able to prevent dementia and cancer, as well as to nourish the digestive tract and strengthen the immune system.

  1. Strawberry

One serving bowl or 150 grams of strawberries contains about 90 milligrams of vitamin C. Strawberries also contain high antioxidants in the form of anthocyanins (natural dyes in vegetables and fruit). Apart from strawberries, other fruits, such as black currants and blueberries, also contain lots of vitamin C.

  1. Red Chili

This fruit, which is often mistaken for a vegetable, is one of the most common cooking spices consumed in Indonesia. Who would have thought, red chili turned out to contain high enough vitamin C. In one cup (about 80 grams), contains about 100 mg of vitamin C. The amount of vitamin C content is also almost the same as in paprika, which is a fruit that is still in the same group as chili.

Vitamin D
Reported by, the mortality rate for COVID-19 was found to be higher in countries with high vitamin D deficiency, such as Italy, Spain, and France. This means that vitamin D also has an important role in overcoming COVID-19. Vitamin D is claimed to play a role in modulating the immune system by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines. Vitamin D is also able to interact with the protein angiotensin-converting-enzyme 2 (ACE2) as a receptor for the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, thereby reducing the inflammatory response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. In addition, vitamin D also plays a role in the prevention and treatment of various respiratory infectious diseases, such as asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, and influenza. The recommended dose limit for taking vitamin D is 15 mg per day.
This vitamin can also be obtained from several foods, such as:
• – Salmon
• – Mackerel
• – Tuna fish
• – Sardine
• – Milk
• – Cereals
Vitamin E
Besides being good for the skin, vitamin E can help protect body cells from damage and increase immunity. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound and is a potent antioxidant that is important for maintaining the immune system. The immunostimulant effect in this vitamin can provide increased resistance to infection.

Vitamin B

Kompleks Vitamin B Kompleks di antaranya vitamin B6 dan vitamin B12 sangat berperan untuk membuat kondisi tubuh tetap prima. Vitamin B6 dapat membantu tubuh untuk memproduksi sel T sehingga infeksi dari penyakit dapat dibersihkan.

Dilansir dari, zync merupakan mineral yang dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Kekurangan zync dapat menyebabkan terganggunya sistem kekebalan tubuh. Akibatnya, risiko infeksi dan pneumonia bisa meningkat. Anjuran batas dosis zync adalah 40 mg. Jangan sampai berlebihan karena dapat m
Selain pada suplemen, Zync juga bisa ditemukan dalam makanan hewani dan nabati, seperti:
• – Daging merah
• – Unggas tanpa lemak
• – Tiram
• – Kepiting
• – Kacang panggang
• – Yoghurtengganggu fungsi penyerapannya dan meningkatkan risiko infeksi di dalam tubuh.

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