Various How To Thicken Hair That Is Potent Without Having To The Salon

Have thick and long hair is a dream for most people. Unfortunately, some people may experience the problem of hair loss, to hair thinning. As a result, a number of how to thicken hair was done.

There are several factors that can inhibit the growth of hair, including aging, genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, use of hair care products that wrong, to an allergic reaction. Certain medical conditions can also make a person’s hair becomes thinner or experiencing hair loss severe. Not only that, the hormonal changes in pregnant and lactating women can make thinning hair.

How to thicken hair that is easy to do

How to make hair thick and long in fact do not need to spend a great. You can thicken your hair naturally by keeping the intake of nutrients and perform hair care in the home. Here are a variety of how to thicken hair that is easy to do more.

1. Inadequate nutritional needs of the body

One way to thicken hair naturally the easiest is to meet the needs of nutrients in the body. The reason, eat a healthy and nutritious as well as rich in vitamins good for growing your hair thinning. Actually, taking vitamins, minerals, and nutrients will not necessarily affect your hair fast long and thick. However, the body requires energy to produce hair cells and grow hair. Lack of nutrients will make your hair grow slower.

Therefore, how to take care of the hair needs to be balanced with a healthy diet. Well, the most good to get the intake of vitamins and minerals is naturally derived from the daily diet. For example:

• Salmon and other types of fish are rich in protein and fatty acids.

• Eggs because they contain protein, omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, and iron.

• Nuts, like walnuts, almonds, and the other becomes a source of fatty acids.

• Greek yogurt is a good source of protein.

• Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

If you feel confused, there is no harm in discussing this issue with a nutritionist and skin specialist to adjust your diet as a way of heavy hair.

2. Shampooing with the right

How to thicken hair naturally also need to be supported by shampooing the right. The rules of washing hair is not shampooing more than once in a day as well as avoiding the use of water that is too cold or hot. When drying the hair after shampooing, you should use a towel to dry them slowly. But remember, don’t rub the hair too tight.

You can also use a wide toothed comb to cope with the strands of hair tangled. But, how to comb the hair should not be done in wet conditions, but rather wait until hair half dry. When possible, use a wide toothed comb to release the strands of the tangle. However, you should not comb the hair when wet, so it may be able to wait until the hair is half dry. Rather than using a hair dryer, you should let the hair dry naturally.

3. Cut the tips of the hair regularly

You are also advised to regularly cut the tips of the hair as a way to thicken hair quickly. How to order thick hair this is done to keep hair healthy and protected from the problem of damage, like split ends and breakage. You can cut the ends (trim) on a regular basis.

4. Limit the use of styling tools

If your every day wear styling tools, such as a hair dryer, hair straightener, or hair curlers, should limit this habit from now on. Because, such a tool can affect the growth of the hair making it more easily broken, even loss. When forced to use it, make sure you use protective products hair first and use the styling tools in the hot mode the most low. In addition, hair products made from chemicals, such as hair dye, can also damage the hair. Chemicals contained in hair dyes can make your hair more quickly brittle and break easily so it will be more difficult to grow bushy.

5. Use a shampoo and conditioner that is right

Use a shampoo and conditioner that right certainly be a way thick hair naturally that should not be missed. The content of nutrients in the shampoo and the conditioner can make the hair more healthy and strong so that not easy to fall off. In addition to effectively, how to care hair is fairly easier and time saving compared with the other way.

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