Understand How The Transmission Of Influenza And How To Prevent It, particularly In The Pandemic

Flu (influenza) is a respiratory disease that is very common. This is because the transmission of the flu which is relatively fast, especially in the transition season.

You probably should be wary if your colleague is already showing symptoms of the flu. Understand the modes of transmission of influenza can be the prevention of the flu effectively. Consider the following explanation.

How does the transmission of the disease influenza?

The disease influenza is spread through droplet (water splashing saliva) from the respiratory tract of patients with the flu. Droplets containing the virus that causes the flu can be out of the respiratory tract of patients with the flu through sneezing, coughing, and talking. Here are some possible ways of transmission of flu disease which you should be aware of.

1. Direct contact with infected person

Direct contact with flu patients, such as shaking hands, hugging, and chatting with a close distance is a way of transmission of influenza are most common. Sometimes you don’t realize that when being in direct contact, droplet or a liquid containing the virus that causes the flu could just inhaled and entrance to the respiratory tract you. Citing a study published in the Annals of The New York Academic of Sciences, the influenza virus is able to survive in air for 1 hour. The Virus is also able to survive for more than 8 hours on the surface of objects and 5 minutes on your hands after touching objects that are exposed. That is why, shaking hands with people who have the flu, can increase the risk of contracting the flu. You are also at highest risk of contracting the flu if you touch the face (eyes, nose, and mouth) with dirty hands (exposed to the virus).

2. Exposed to the droplets of the infected person

The Droplet containing the flu virus can be anywhere and get into the body through the eyes and respiratory tract. The Droplet can spread through sneezing, coughing, or when you speak with people with flu in the near distance (1.5-2 meters). The flu Virus is able to survive in the air for one hour. Be in the room with the circulation of the bad along with the flu allow you breathe air containing the virus and ultimately make you infected. Eat together with people who have the flu can also increase the risk of you contracting the flu due to the possibility of the number of droplets produced and contaminate your food. To prevent the flu, it’s good if you use a mask and keep a distance when you meet a sick person or in the place crowded and closed. If you’re experiencing influenza, resting in the house is one of the best ways to prevent transmission of the flu to more people. If forced to come out of the house, make sure you use a mask.

3. Hold objects that are exposed to the flu virus

The objects that you hold could have been exposed to droplets from sneezing, coughing, or splashes of saliva coming out of flu patients. On hard surfaces such as steel, iron, glass, and plastic, the flu virus can survive up to more than 8 hours. You can catch the flu after holding objects that are exposed to the flu virus, if you don’t immediately wash your hands with soap. Directly touching the eyes, nose and mouth, or eat with dirty hands after holding the object can also be a mode of transmission of influenza.

The symptoms You have been exposed to the flu virus

Usually, the flu virus has infected the start before you feel the symptoms of the flu until all the traits disappear. Shortly after meeting with people affected by the flu, for example, you may still feel healthy without you knowing it may have been exposed to the virus. Although, this depends also on the durability of your body. Flu symptoms usually appear within 2 days after the virus enters into the body, or within 1-4 days. In this phase you can also transmit the virus to others. Common symptoms caused flu, among others:

• Fever

• Nasal congestion

• Colds

• Cough

• Pain in the joints

However, the time of onset of flu symptoms can be different for each individual. There are even individuals who did not cause symptoms, but can still transmit the flu to other people. This, again, depends on the endurance of the body. Small children, the elderly, and people who have low immunity are more susceptible to contracting the disease influenza.

How to prevent the transmission of influenza

If you are experiencing the flu, the best way to prevent transmission of the flu to others is by silence and rest in the house. Meanwhile, to prevent the transmission of influenza from other people, make sure you always lead a clean and healthy behavior (PHBS) and maintain the health of your body. Here are some ways that you can do to prevent the transmission of the flu:

• Wash your hands with soap and running water as often as possible. If you can not find the running water or soap, use hand sanitizer alcohol-based

• Wash your hands before and after eating, after toilet, after using public facilities, before and after visiting a sick person

• Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes with the hand that has not been cleaned

• Increase the body’s immune system by eating a balanced nutritious diet, drink enough, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and avoid stress

• Make sure the air circulation in the house and exposed to the rays of the morning sun

• Apply ethical cough and sneeze using a tissue or use the arm part in

• Avoid contact with people with flu

• Use a mask when sick or traveling

• Do flu vaccination as recommended

Pandemic Covid-19 that is currently afflicting have symptoms and ways of transmission are similar to the influenza virus. That is why, you need to be more vigilant. Make sure you maintain the health and personal hygiene, as well as vaccination for prevention and transmission of disease.

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