Types Of Fish That Can Be Eaten By People With High Blood Pressure, From Salmon To Milkfish

Salmon is one of the types of fish that may be eaten by people with high blood pressure. This type of fish contains omega 3 which is good for healthy blood vessels.

Change eating patterns need to be done by the people with high blood pressure. One of the food sources which you can consume is the fish. But, of course, need to choose a fish that can eat people with high blood pressure.

You need to choose fatty fish (fatty fish) to help lower blood pressure. According to a study, omega-3 intake can also help lower the risk of high blood pressure is getting worse. Well, what are the types of fish that contain a lot of omega-3? Check out the list below!

Fish May Be Eaten Atients With High Blood

Most of the fish with omega-3 fatty high comes from the sea. Here’s a list of good fish consumed by people with high blood:

1. Salmon

Salmon is a source of omega-3 fatty very big. In 100 grams of salmon meat, you can get about 2.3 grams of omega-3 fats. Eating two servings of salmon each week will help you get the intake of omega-3 fats needed by the body. Salmon also has other nutrients that can help nourish the body. Fish this one contains protein, vitamin B complex, and potassium. These nutrients are also great for maintaining the health of blood vessels.

2. Tuna

If there are salmon, there is usually a tuna. Two fish is always juxtaposed as a healthy meal for anyone. What’s more, the tuna has omega-3 fats which is quite a lot also. One serving of tuna around 165 grams contained fat as much as 1.4 grams. Not only that, the tuna is also one of the sources of food without the carbohydrates and sugar. On the other hand, the tuna has protein, vitamins, and minerals in it. All these nutrients can help lower the risk of other cardiovascular diseases.

3. Milkfish

As information, fish has omega-3 content which is high compared with other types of fish. The content of omega-3 in fish is about 14 percent in each serving of proportion. The content is what will help lower the levels of triglycerides in the blood flow. Milkfish is also able to prevent anemia and maintain the health of the body. Another plus, fish is one type of fish that is easily processed. However, make sure you use a good oil if you want to fry them.

4. Mackerel

The type of fish this one is often paired well with the tuna because its shape is similar. Mackerel also have omega-3 fats which is very high. Of course, these nutrients are needed by the people with high blood pressure to normalize the condition. Eating fish mackerel also help improve heart health and lowers cholesterol. Not only that, the consumption of fish is also helps maintain brain health until old age.

5. Sardines

Many people consider fish sardine is the fish of tuna or mackerel. This is actually different fish. Sardines have a flesh that is soft and easily crushed after being processed. However, this fish is also a source of omega-3 fatty acids are very high. Also, sardines can be found in the packaging that is already seasoned. Your easier process for direct consumption. However, try to consult your doctor if want to consume food packaging in large quantities.

6. Anchovy

Who would have thought anchovies also contain omega-3 fatty acids? This small fish is also a good meal for people with high blood pressure. Not only that, this fish also contains various vitamins that are good for heart health.

7. Bloating

This native Indonesian fish has omega-3 content that is not inferior to salmon. In 100 grams of mackerel contains 2.4 grams of omega-3. This fish is easy to find everywhere either in the market or the nearest supermarket.

How many fish consumption lowering high blood pressure?

Although fish contains omega-3 fatty acids is claimed to help lower high blood pressure, you still need to consume balanced nutrition. Set healthy eating patterns with a varied menu. Food and Drug Supervisory agency of the United States (FDA) advises to enter fish into the menu of your daily eating. Adults should consume about two servings (8 ounces) of fish rich in omega-3 in a week. Pregnant women, are promil, and nursing mothers should consume up to 12 ounces of seafood and fish that contain omega-3 in a week. Be sure to choose fish low mercury contamination. Just as pregnant women, children should also avoid fish contaminated with mercury. Children should consume fish one to two times per week. The portion of fish for children two years and under is one ounce. This portion may increase as you age. In addition, the fixed consumption of balanced nutritious diet consisting of carbohydrates, vegetable protein, animal protein, fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables in one serving of your meal.

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