Twitter Remodels Ways to Report Problem Tweets to Make It More Clear

– Twitter will overhaul the way users report tweets deemed problematic or violating Twitter policies. This overhaul is said to make the tweet reporting process more meaningful. In addition, the new report tweet scheme is expected to provide a richer picture or information than user-reported tweets. Related to this, Twitter is reportedly testing a new tweet reporting scheme on a small group of users from the United States. In the image shared, Twitter can be seen setting up a new tweet report window interface.

New report tweet feature interface
The most obvious difference, the new report window now consists of several processes, including gathering info and validate (report validation). This process itself does not exist in the current tweet reporting interface. In the process of gathering information, Twitter prepared three questions. These three questions seem to be what will allow Twitter to get richer information from its users regarding tweets that are reported to be problematic.

The first question in the process of gathering this information is about the purpose of the report being prepared. Users can submit reports to one or more parties in the four available categories, namely: Myself (if a tweet is considered to have the potential to affect the user’s own personal) Someone else (a tweet is considered to affect other people) A specific group of people (a tweet is considered to have the potential to affect a group of people) certain groups, such as certain racial or religious groups) Everyone on Twitter (tweets are considered to have the potential to affect all Twitter users)

In the second question, users can select potential issues/policy violations of Twitter from the reported tweets. Interestingly, this potential problem is now provided with a brief description. Previously, Twitter did not do it. The third question in the information collection process, users are asked to detail how the tweet can be considered a user problematic or violates Twitter policy rules. There are several options that Twitter provides with regards to potential issues being reported. Users just tick the most suitable option according to him.

After the information collection process is complete, the user enters the report validation process. In this section, Twitter will automatically deduce Twitter policies that these reported tweets may violate, based on three questions in the previous information-gathering process.
If the user feels that the conclusion of the rules that have the potential to be violated by the tweet is appropriate, the user just needs to continue the report validation process by clicking “Yes, continue report”.
If it is felt that the conclusions given by Twitter are not suitable, users can choose other Twitter rules that may be considered more suitable for the problematic tweet.

Avoid unclear reports
So far, users can actually report tweets that are considered problematic on Twitter. However, reporting this tweet requires the user to determine for himself which Twitter rules the tweet violates. This then creates reports of tweets from users, most of which are gray (unclear) which in the end do not meet the specific criteria of a Twitter violation. With the new schema (information gathering and validation process), Twitter hopes that the tweet reports from users will be richer and clearer. This way, Twitter can also analyze potential problems and policy violations more precisely.

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