Goals and How to Overcome Hacking

The Purpose of Hacking and Reasons for Doing It

You should know that there are several reasons people hack (hacking), which are as follows:

  1. For Hobbies and Fun

The first purpose of hacking is for hobbies and fun (fun). Have you ever felt overjoyed after stealing something? Like walking out of a subscription store, then trying not to go too fast? Or feeling dizzy and shaking while doing something? Yes, this is what hacking feels like when used for malicious purposes. But most hackers are what we call gray-hats. They get the same rush when breaking into digital stores but they don’t do any damage. They just observe, take something like source code or tools from the company but most of the time they just want to log in.

2. For Business

The next goal is for business

Someone may hack or hack a bank’s website just to say they have done it, but a black-hat or “bad” hacker does it for financial gain. Once a hacker or hacker gets into your system, it can be very difficult to get rid of it completely. Once a hacker is inside your network or organization, they have complete control. They can steal your data and redeem it back to you or they can destroy files and databases. Take, for example, the ransomware that attacked the NHS (a national health service) in the UK via a vulnerability in the Windows SMB protocol. This is an example of hacking or hacking turned into a business. Tips and Ways to Protect Yourself from Hacking and Hackers So, what is a safe way to protect yourself from hacking or hackers? Yes, there are many reasons hackers and cybercriminals target their victims, including monetary gain, identity theft, or simply the thrill of the chase. Below are the main tips to keep your data, computer and personal information safe from hacking and hackers.

  • Use feature-rich Antivirus

A strong antivirus on your computer and mobile device should be your first line of defense against attacks.

  • Create strong and complex passwords

Most people create simple passwords that are easy to remember, so don’t do that!

  • Learn how to safely browse

Malvertising, this is called a drive-by download, and it is one of the most common ways that victims are exposed to malware or spyware on their devices through the browsing process. Learning how to safely use the internet is one of the top tips for protecting yourself.

  • Beware of phishing and social engineering

If someone claiming to be an authority figure asks you for a password, credit card number, or other secure information, then you should be vigilant. Be careful when handing over sensitive information, especially over unsecured channels such as e-mail or phone calls.

  • Learn computer security system

Hacking and cybercrime are fast-growing offenses. New viruses, new techniques and new exploits are discovered almost every day.

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