Tips For Keeping Teeth Perfect

Maintain the health of the body thoroughly become it is important that we always have to do. There is one part that sometimes we forget to take care of his health, namely teeth.

Gear is one among the important body of its existence. Without teeth, we can’t digest the food perfectly.

Healthy and clean teeth can also increase a person’s self-confidence. Clean and white teeth will certainly enhance your smile. So, it is not imaginable that many people are willing to spend a lot of money to get dental care.

However, there are actually several tips that surely you don’t need to spend a lot of money. Curious what are the tips of his? Come on, take a good look at the article below!

1. Brushing your teeth regularly

It’s no secret that the general recommendation for caring for your teeth is brushing at least twice a day. However, many of us neglect brushing your teeth at night.

Brushing your teeth before going to bed can eliminate the germs and plaque that accumulate throughout the day. This prevent your teeth from the attack of germs, which can cause disease.

2. Cleaning the tongue regularly

Germs on the tongue can damage the health of the teeth. After finished brushing your teeth, and also make sure to clean your tongue.

3. Limit the consumption of sweet foods

The sugar turns into acid in the mouth, which essentially erodes the enamel of your teeth. That is why it is important to avoid foods with high sugar content as much as you can.

Acid modified sugar cause cavities. Even the food may seem better to you, such as fruits, can contain high levels of sugar.

Important to maintain a balance. Therefore, you do not need to avoid these foods completely, but it is important to pay attention to what you eat and how it can affect the health of your mouth.

4. Drink more water

The water becomes the best drink for your health overall, including the health of the mouth. The researchers recommend drinking water after every meal. It can help eliminate some of the negative effects of food and drinks sticky and sour on the inside of the mouth.

5. Eating fruits and vegetables are crispy

Food was tasty, but not too good for your teeth. Taking the product fresh and crisp is not only beneficial on the content of fiber, which is healthy, but also become a way of maintaining the health of your teeth.

Make it a habit to eat food that is hard from an early age. Don’t consume too much food too mushy. So, the tooth will grow up to be strong.

6. Brushing your teeth correctly

The way you brush is equally important with how often you’re brushing. In fact, brushing your teeth with bad almost as bad as not brushing at all.

Take your time, move the brush teeth with a gentle circular motion to remove plaque. There are a lot of tutorials and in-depth descriptions about how and brushing technique is the most effective.

7. Use fluoride toothpaste

When you’re looking for a toothpaste, there are more important element to look for than whitening or taste. Whatever version you choose, make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride. Fluoride is a substance that is a mainstay in the health of the mouth.

Fluoride is a major defense to overcome tooth decay. Fluoride works by fighting germs that can cause decay as well as provide protective for your teeth.

8. Don’t brush your teeth too hard

Don’t make a habit of brushing your teeth too hard. It can provide a lot of pressure on the teeth and the effect on the enamel.

Enamel strong enough to protect the teeth from all that is happening in your mouth, from eating and drinking to start the process of digestion.

However, children and adolescents still have the enamel is softer than adults so they are more susceptible to tooth decay and erosion of food and drink.

9. Consumption of nutritious food

The same water, eat food that is nutritious is also good for the health of your teeth and your mouth. Nutritious food such as grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products can give you the nutrients you need.

A study found that omega-3, types of healthy fats in seafood, reduces the risk of inflammation so that it can lower the risk of gum disease.

Well, that’s some tips to keep the tooth rather still looks perfect

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