The Benefits Of Saffron Flowers For Beauty

Have you ever heard of the flower of saffron? Saffron is a spice scented which can improve the taste of food. Many say that saffron is a spice most expensive in the world that the price can reach $ 500 thousand per gram.

Saffron flowers have a lot of vitamin content and antioxidant that also has therapeutic properties, and potassium to help the formation and repair of skin cells. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory benefits that soothes the skin to reduce the redness, and anti-fungal which is used to reduce the acne.

If you want to get the best results, make sure you buy saffron with best quality. Saffron with best quality, has a dark red color with the tip of the orange.

Here are some of the benefits of saffron flowers to beauty, including:

1. To Overcome The Problem Of Acne

The benefits of saffron for the face that the first is able to overcome the problem of acne thanks to its anti-bacterial properties and antioxidants that can fight the bacteria that cause acne. As well as can prevent the breakout worse.

Soak a mixture of 10 strands of saffron with 5-6 leaves fresh basil in the clear water. Then, growing to become the cream and apply on acne prone skin. Wear to the conditions of the acne completely healed.

2. Fade Acne Scars

The benefits of saffron flowers next is can fade acne scars that interrupt. Combine saffron with basil leaves will be antibacterial able to remove acne scars effectively.

To make it, mix the saffron and basil leaves with water. Then mash to form a paste. Apply on the face in a circular motion, then let stand for 15 minutes and afterwards rinse with water.

3. Brighten The Face

In addition to acne, a dull face will make the face look more healthy and less luminous. Compound crocin which is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C to help brighten and restore the natural hue on the face.

Use a mixture of flowers saffron with milk that has not been pasteurized and freshly squeezed lemon. Let stand for 1 hour until all the ingredients are completely blends perfectly, then apply on face as a mask and let sit for 15 minutes.

4. Cope With Panda Eyes

The content of antioxidants such as vitamin A and vitamin C in saffron, gives other benefits which help cope with the panda eyes that interfere with the appearance.

How to make it is by freezing the solution of saffron and mineral water all night. Then, mix the solution with the olive oil. Moisten a cotton ball with the mixture and stick it on the bottom of your eyes for 15 minutes as a mask.

Do not forget to use eye cream or eye serum to maximize the results that are given.

5. Moisturize The Skin

Dry skin can make the skin texture becomes more rough and even flaking. This condition will also trigger other skin problems such as dull skin and acne.

Dissolve three strands of saffron on mineral water. Put in spray bottle and spray on face as needed. Water benefits of saffron for the face, this one will restore moisture to the skin naturally.

6. Overcome Sunburn

Are you one of those people who has a lot of outdoor activities? If you don’t do protection and special care, it can cause burning of the skin until it feels soreness and redness.

Use the water saffron to help cool and soothe sunburned skin. Put in a spray bottle to make it more practical to carry everywhere. Even so, make sure you use sunscreen yes!

7. Make The Face More Glowing

The benefits of saffron flowers to face next is the skin will look clean, fresh, and glowing. Use a mixture of saffron with water freshly squeezed lemon juice, and apply evenly on the skin of the face. Use regularly will help you to get the skin healthy and glowing.

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