Data is a very important requirement, especially for companies and organizations that manage large amounts of information. The use of a server is a solution for managing and monitoring data with wider storage than the client computer.

In this article, we will discuss about the use of the server and what are its types and functions. So, you can understand more about how it works and its application to make it easier to store and connect data between computers more quickly.

Server Definition

Server is a computer system that has special services, generally related to data storage. The data stored on the server is in the form of various types of documents and complex information. The service aims to provide needs for the client who provides access to information to users or users.

Servers have an important role to send and receive data and information more quickly. In its physical form, the server is a computer network that has a very large size, and accommodates components such as processors and RAM with large capacities.

Server Functions

In addition to having the main function as a large capacity data and information storage area, the server also has other functions. The following are some of the functions that are owned by the server related to the needs of computer networks.

1. Application Server

The function of the application server is to store various kinds of applications that can be processed and accessed by the client. Application servers play an important role in helping business needs in managing various documents or application products of a company.

2. Proxy Servers

The function of the proxy server itself is to manage the traffic (traffic) on the network through the proxy configuration. Simply put, the role of the proxy server is to connect the client computer to the internet network.

3. Data Servers

The data server is used for data storage, both unprocessed and in the form of information. Later, the data can be accessed and managed by the client with the help of applications that are on the server.

Server Type

After discussing what a server is and its functions, then we will discuss the types of the server itself. For the distribution of types, it can be known from the type or type of data to be processed. The following are some explanations related to this.

1. Web Server

Web server is a computer network specifically for receiving information services in the form of HTTP and HTTPS. So, the web server will receive some display code from the browser which will then send it back in the form of a web page.

The web page will be sent in the form of HTML and CSS documents which will be processed and processed into a more attractive display to read. For now, the role of the web server is not only to display the WWW (World Wide Web), but also to review the needs in the management of a job. As in the use of printers, cameras, web routers, and many other hardware.

2. Mail Server

The second type is the mail server, which has a role to be able to serve users in exchanging messages through different electronic devices. Mail servers are divided into two types, the first is the incoming mail server and the second is the outgoing mail server.

For incoming mail, it consists of POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3rd Version) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). POP3 is an electronic messaging protocol that stores messages (either sent or received) on local hard drive storage. And IMAP is a protocol that stores messages in a mail server.

3. Game Servers

This type of server is usually more likely to be used by gamers and game developers. For now, the need for game servers is more focused on online multiplayer games. Where in one server, usually there are lots of game users accessing simultaneously.

Game servers consist of two types, namely internal and external game servers. For internal needs, the storage process is through the computer itself. If for external needs, it will be provided directly by the game developer.

4. FTP Server

File Transfer Protocol or FTP server is an internet protocol that gives server data access to only one network. Each client can transfer documents or files through the server. The main function of the FTP server is to provide services to clients and users to transfer data through available servers.

5. DHCP Server

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or abbreviated as DHCP server is a network that runs access to IP Address rental services, as well as TCP/IP-based information to clients. The main function of DHCP is to provide IP services automatically to clients, hosts, and computers on a TCP/IP network that make requests.

6. Database Server

Database server is a computer network that provides access to clients to manage data and information available from the server. Currently, there are four types of database servers, namely flat file, relation, object, and relational-object database.

The main function of this server is to provide users with access to structured big data services, so that they can search for information quickly and can also be done at the same time.

7. File Server

A file server is a computer network that provides the needs of data stored on disk. The disk location stores various types of files in the form of images, videos, documents, music, and other database files. This server is designed to be integrated directly with the workstation.

The file server can also be analogous to the heart of a server, which has a large memory storage capacity. Therefore, it is possible to organize information and communication between computer networks.

8. Proxy Server

The proxy server has an important role as an intermediary that connects the user with the web server. So, every user who uses the internet network, will pass the proxy first before proceeding to the web server. The main function of the proxy server itself is to secure the user’s IP address when accessing and surfing the internet through computer devices.

How Servers Work

The next material will discuss the workings of a server. Simply put, the server works at the request of the client. So that for each type of server has almost the same way of working, namely following requests or instructions from the client. The difference lies only in the implementation of services, tasks and functions of each server.

We will provide an example of a case related to a web server as an initial description of the request process from a client. When you start by typing a website address in a browser, your computer will immediately act as a client requesting information from the web server. And then, the web server will provide you with any information on the website that is displayed in the browser.

Benefits Obtained

There are many benefits that you can get by managing a computer network using a server. The following are some of the benefits that we have summarized into just a few points.

1. Ensure Data Security

With a server, you can maintain and store all your data more securely and monitored at all times. In addition, the data that you have stored can be accessed quickly according to your needs. And most importantly, you can also save data storage from your client computer device and can be transferred to the server.

2. Save Cost

The second benefit, of course, can save the cost of spending on buying data storage device needs. The server has provided a larger storage capacity than the client computer in general. So you don’t need to buy too many computers or hard drives for your business data needs.

3. Ease in Data Management

The third benefit is that it can facilitate the process of managing various important documents and information that require quick handling. The server also guarantees data storage for a longer period of time. Currently cloud-based or cloud-based server storage is also available. Where, your data will be stored on the internet with a much larger storage allocation.

4. Optimizing Collaboration Between Teams

And the last benefit is being able to maximize collaboration and work between each team or department. Where, in a business, especially in the IT field, it requires every team to work not only offline. However, they are required to be able to work online or remotely. Thus, the server plays an important role in increasing the productivity of company employees or related agencies.


Server is a computer system that has special services, especially in managing data and information storage. There are at least 8 types of servers that are often used, namely web, file, proxy, database, DHCP, FTP, game, and mail server. There are three main functions of using a server, namely application, data, and proxy servers. The most important benefit of using a server is being able to optimize team work needs and store data with a larger capacity based on a computer network.