Every region in Indonesia will be inhabited by indigenous tribes who make each region always has its own uniqueness and wealth.
From the two tribes who live side by side in Kalimantan, of course, you can see if their culture is reflected in the traditional houses to the traditional clothes. The following are traditional clothes from Kalimantan.
- King Baba
King Baba is the name of the traditional clothing worn by men from the Dayak tribe. This outfit if in terms of shape will be similar to women’s, it’s just simpler in terms of shape. What makes it even more unique, the material used to make these clothes is from flaked bark under the name King Baba. The plant used to take the bark is the type of kapuo wood or the ampuro plant.
This plant is an endemic plant typical of Kalimantan which has a high fiber content. The name King Baba itself is taken from the Dayak language, where king means clothes and Baba is a man. In the process of making the bark, the bark will be beaten with a hammer in the water until only the fibers remain. If the bark is flexible, then just dry it and also paint it with Dayak ethnicity.
The dyes used are also natural dyes from nature. Not only for making clothes, accessories such as headbands also use the same material. What distinguishes it is that the headband is decorated with the feathers of the Enggan Gading bird which gives the wearer a dashing impression. It is decorated with beads and made without sleeves. Don’t forget the saber as a traditional weapon that is also embedded.
- King Bibinge
If King Baba is clothing for men, then King Bibinge is for women. The manufacturing method and the materials used in these clothes are also the same as those used in men’s clothing. What distinguishes, these clothes are made more polite and closed. There are equipment that is used to cover the chest with a subordinate cloth and also a stagen. The decoration also uses hornbill feathers and beads.
Similar to men’s clothing which also has no sleeves, King Bibinge also has no sleeves but is covered. There is also a typical Dayak painting combined with beads made of dry and wood. Make it more beautiful and unique because it uses natural materials that are around them. In this traditional Dayak women’s clothing, they will also wear accessories in the form of necklaces and bracelets.
The bracelet worn is made from tree roots that are spun and uniquely shaped. The necklaces are made from animal bones and tree roots. This necklace not only serves as a decoration but also as an amulet or repulsion. The headband uses a typical Dayak headband, which is triangular in shape. Even though this shirt is made of natural materials, it still looks aesthetic and beautiful at the same time.
Baju Miskat
Miskat clothes are traditional East Kalimantan clothes whose models look like clothes in ancient China. The fashion design is unique and attractive.
Men’s clothing is a long-sleeved shirt equipped with buttons with a slanted design on the right. While the bottom is in the form of trousers. When wearing miskat clothes, Kutai men wear a head covering in the form of a skullcap.
While clothing for women in the form of long sleeves. If the men’s dress is buttoned on the right, the women’s shirt has the button angled on the left. For subordinates in the form of a long bracket skirt.
This Miskat shirt is worn as a mandatory uniform by Civil Servants (PNS) of East Kalimantan Province.
Its semi-casual form and model make this East Kalimantan traditional dress suitable for any event or celebration.
- Baju Ta’a
This traditional dress is specifically worn by Dayak women in the North Kalimantan region. The material used is velvet cloth with black color which is equipped with knick-knacks such as beads which are then sewn onto the cloth.
Ta’a’s clothes consist of a sleeveless vest as the top, then for the subordinates is a skirt that has the same color and motif as the vest. The headgear has hornbill feathers and finally accessories such as bracelets, necklaces, and beads to complete the look.
The motifs on Ta’a clothes as traditional North Kalimantan clothes are very thick, especially the decorations on vests and skirts. The decoration is a combination of striking colors that contrast with the color of the fabric of the vest, namely white, green, blue, red, and so on. On the chest and sleeves of the vest there are tassels that have the same color and motif as the vest.
- Sapai Sapaq
Then there is the Sapai Sapaq shirt which is specifically worn by men in North Kalimantan, especially the Dayak tribe. Starting from the main material, model, to the motif of this shirt, it is the same as in Ta’a’s clothes.
The difference lies in the subordinates, where men use a roll of a scarf whose model is like underwear. However, over time, these subordinates have generally been replaced with black shorts. This is because the shawl roll model is considered impolite and unsightly.
Sapaq’s clothes are also equipped with several accessories, including a saber tucked into the waist, then a war shield, and finally a necklace made of natural materials, such as bones, pig fangs, or seeds.
As for another striking difference between Ta’a and Sapaq’s clothes, namely the motifs found on both of them. You need to know, the motifs on North Kalimantan traditional clothing are divided into 3 types, namely the hornbill, tiger, or other animal motifs, and there are also plant motifs.
Traditional clothes with animal motifs are usually only specifically used by nobles in the surrounding area. Meanwhile, traditional clothes with plant motifs can be worn by ordinary people.
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