Public Relations and Protocol OTK

Public Relations (PR) is the art of communicating with the public to build and maintain the image of the institution. One of the duties of public relations is related to protocol.

Protocol is a series of activities or a series of activities that contain the rules and procedures contained in official events and state events. The protocol method in Indonesia is the protocol law.


Public Relations and Protocol Governance. Definition of Public Relations and Protocol or public relations is a management function that is carried out on an ongoing and planned basis, and through this organizations and institutions, both public and private, seek to acquire and foster.


Judging from its historical development, communicating to influence a person’s perspective and behavior has been started since time immemorial. From the sites discovered by archaeologists in Iraq in the 18th century, it appears that attempts to do this already exist. In Greek times and in the medieval heyday of Rome, the idea of ​​”public opinion had emerged”. This can be seen in the Vox Populi slogan, Vox dei (the voice of the people is the voice of God). Public Relations has been used centuries ago in England. This is indicated by the emergence of the concept of requiring a third party as a communication facilitator and harmonizer between the government and its people.

In its development, the concept of Public Relations in America began around the 1900s which was pioneered by Ivy Lee with “The Declaration of Principles”. Ivy Lee is considered as “The father of Public Relations” because of his basic declaration, even though the concept of Public Relations in America has existed since 1850 (Broom, 2000; 102).

Public Relations in Indonesia itself began in 1950. The development of public relations in Indonesia moved to accompany the political and state conditions at that time. At that time the Indonesian government realized the need for the Indonesian people to know all the developments that had occurred since the recognition of Indonesian sovereignty by the Dutch kingdom. Starting from this thought, public relations activities began to be institutionalized under the name of public relations because the activities carried out were mostly for outside the organization (Onong, 1991; 12).

The importance of understanding the history of the development of Public Relations is to initiate an understanding of the development of public relations in Indonesia. If you look at its history, actually PR in Indonesia started very far from what thinkers in Europe or America and even Australia have done. PR in Indonesia began in the 1950s with a different concept from the concept adopted in other countries. Based on the observations of researchers and also as expressed by Elizabeth Goenawan Anantao in Public Relations In Asia an Anthology, Public Relations in Indonesia has not developed too rapidly (Ananto, 2004; 265).

Public Relations was used by the private sector in Indonesia for the first time by PERTAMINA, an oil company. Public relations in Indonesia has been widely used, both in government and private circles in various sectors. The concept of Public Relations is understood and used by these parties with various meanings and various forms of implementation.

From day to day PR in Indonesia is starting to develop along with the development of PR in the world or Asia. According to Rhenald Kasali in his book PR Management, it is stated that Public Relations is used for business purposes in forms such as the South Korean Olympics, Glassnot Perestroika, the 1988 Pork Fat Case, etc. The Olympics hosted by South Korea in 1988 used one of the services of a PR consultant. The Olympics is an international event that is currently still very hot where all people’s attention is directed to it. As the host, South Korea wants to rise up to show its existence, which is indeed one of its desires is to open markets in the world to market its products.

Glasnost and Perestroika are PR campaigns in the political work of a country. To change his country, Michael Gorbachev came up with this concept to change the world’s perception of the Soviet Union and open up his nation to the outside world.

These cases that occurred almost 20 years ago. While it was still warm in the 2000s when countries in Asia experienced the SARS crisis, Hong Kong and Singapore took special care of restoring their country’s tourism image by hiring a PR consultant.

From the existing cases, it appears that PR is a planned communication function, but in reality there are still many misunderstandings about this.

  • The development of public relations in the world

In history, the term Public Relations as a technique was reinforced by the activities carried out by pioneer Ivy Ledbetter Lee who in 1906 managed to overcome the paralysis of the coal industry in the United States with success. For this effort he was appointed as Mr. Public Relations.

The development of PR can actually be related to human existence. The elements of informing the community, persuading the community, and integrating the community, are the foundation for the community.

Goals, techniques, tools and ethical standards change over time. For example, during the primitive tribes they used force, intimidation or persuasion to maintain control over their followers. Or use magical things, totems (sacred objects), taboos (taboo things), and supernatural powers.

The invention of writing will change the method of persuasion. Public opinion came into play. During the era of Ancient Egypt, scholars were opinion-formers and users of persuasion. At the time of ancient Greece began to develop the Olympics to exchange opinions and improve relations with the people. Evaluation of public opinion or opinion is the latest development in the history of humanity.

The foundations of the public relations function were found in the American revolution. When a movement is planned and executed. Basically, each period of development has a different strategy in influencing the public, creating public opinion for the development of the organization.

The following is a chronological picture of PR in the world :

1865-1900       : The public is still considered stupid

1900-1918       : The public is informed and served

1918-1945       : The public is educated and rewarded

1925             : In New York, public relations as official higher education

1928              : In the Netherlands entered higher education and at least at the faculty as a compulsory subject. In addition, many quality courses are held

1945-1968      : The public began to open up and many people knew

1968: In the Netherlands experienced rapid development. In the scientific direction because of routine and continuous research. In America the development is more towards business.

1968-1979       : Public developed in various fields, approach is not only one aspect.

1979-1990       : Professionals/internationals enter globalization in mental changes and       quality.


a. Changes in mental, quality, mindset, perspective,

attitudes and behavior patterns nationally/internationally.

b. Build cooperation locally, nationally, internationally.

c. Learn from each other in the fields of politics, economics, socio-culture,

Science and technology, according to the needs of the global/information era.

Characteristics of public relations and protocol

There are 4 (four) main characteristics of public relations which are referred to as characteristics of public relations, including:

1. There is a Two-Way Communication Effort

The essence of PR is communication. However, not all communication is said to be public relations. Communication that characterizes public relations is a two-way communication that allows the flow of reciprocal information.

2. Its Planned Nature

The planned nature of public relations implies that public relations work/activity is a continuous work/activity, has an integrated method with other parts and the results are tangible. This planned and sustainable requirement is one of the requirements assessed in the highest competition for international PR programs, namely the Golden World Award for Excellence in PR (GWA).

3. Organization/Institution Oriented

By observing this orientation, the absolute requirement in public relations work is a high understanding of the vision, mission, and culture of the organization/institution. The vision, mission, and culture of the organization/institution are the main materials for public relations, so that it can achieve public relations goals and support other management goals, including marketing goals.

4. The target is Public

That is a group in society that has the characteristics of the same interests. So the target of public relations is not individuals, this needs to be conveyed because there are still people who term public relations as personal relations.

Kinds of public relations

There are four kinds of public relations, namely:

1. Government Public Relations

Government public relations is not political in nature. Public relations departments in government institutions are formed to publicize or promote their policies. The government’s task is indeed very heavy, because the community it faces consists of various publics with very complex interests.

Most government public relations is geared towards media relations, public affairs, documentation and publications. Meanwhile, activities that are usually handled by public relations include press conferences, making press releases, press clipping, exhibitions, publishing internal media, organizing meetings with the public, providing information through various communication media for the community, documenting various agency activities, organizing visits. -visiting officials, receiving public/public complaints.

2. Industrial and Business Public Relations

The public can be used by industry to influence the legislature, pass laws or regulations, public lobby efforts, press coverage, editorial comments, letters from readers or in an effort to notify the company’s branches. Some of the applications of public relations in industry and business include; relationship with customers and the role of public relations in marketing which ultimately gave birth to marketing PR regulations (MPR), shareholder relations, employee relations, relations with the press, assistance in recruiting new employees, community relations, relations between companies/other organizations, relations with government (legislative and executive).

3. Social Relations

Many public relations activities involving the general welfare are separate from the usual commercial implications. The following are some public relations practices in social organizations, their background, and their applications.

a. Law Enforcement Public Relations

This includes public relations within the police. Law enforcers need to listen and be responsive to the public interest so that they can best serve the community.

b. Public Relations of Religious Organizations

Religious organizations are now starting to realize the importance of the mass media to reach the congregation from propagating their doctrines.

c. Public Relations Professional

The medical profession, the lawyer profession, the journalist profession, the artist profession and so on, are also not inferior in using a public relations approach to communicate with the public.

d. Public Relations of Voluntary Organizations

There are many volunteer organizations, tens, hundreds, maybe even earning, and most of them need ongoing funding. So that it can be said that the search is the main goal of this organization, these funds will later be used to finance social work, community welfare, and other things. Publish internal magazines, circulars, leaflets, publications, letterheads, and so on. The image of the social organization is critical to success both in attracting grants and securing the cooperation of volunteer workers. That’s where the need for organizations to voluntarily require expert public relations advice and use a public relations approach.

4. Public Relations of International Organizations

The birth of international public relations is caused by very rapid changes in all fields, for example the development of tourism, communication, transportation, educational exchanges such as lecturer and student exchanges, the emergence of international problems, in the fields of economy, politics and so on. Public relations officers will recruit from various countries to avoid bias. The media commonly used are the press, films, conferences, study groups, and so on. It is clear that public relations activities cannot be limited by state boundaries.

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