Often Misunderstood, Here The 5 Facts About Greek Mythology

1.Medusa wasn’t the only creatures haired snake
Initially, Medusa (Μέδουσα) was a servant girl at the temple of Athena. After being raped by Poseidon in the temple of Athena, the goddess of wisdom cursed Medusa that his gaze will make anyone to stone. In addition, the hair of Medusa which is pretty damned so the snake!
No wonder, when hearing the word haired woman snake, yes, terpikirlah Medusa. In fact, not only the icon of Versace’s just that-haired serpent. Medusa had two sisters, Euryale (Εὐρυάλη) and Stheno (Σθενώ), which all three have a hair of snakes and the stony stare.
The third sister is referred to as “the Gorgon”. While Euryale and Stheno can’t die because the descendants of the gods, Medusa is not immortal because he was human. In the middle of conceiving a child of Poseidon, Perseus beheading Medusa. From the body of Medusa, comes the winged horse Pegasus and the giant sword gold Chrysaor.

Pandora, the ancestors of the human race
Pandora (Πανδώρα) is known as the figure who opened a pithos (jar) forbidden and spread havoc on mankind. In fact, Pandora was the first human created by Hephaestus on the instructions of Zeus. In other words, Pandora was the progenitor of the human race!
The brother of the Titan Prometheus, Epimetheus, is the husband of Pandora. Together, they begat a daughter, Pyrrha. Pyrrha then married his cousin, Deucalion. At that time, Zeus was thought to end the world by lowering the water sump great!
Like Noah, Prometheus warned Deucalion to make ark great. As a result, Pyrrha and Deucalion survived. Together, they make the men by throwing stones. Stone thrown Pyrrha so to women, and stone thrown Deucalion be a male.

Echidna, the mother of all monsters in Greek mythology
Monsters famous monsters in Greek mythology the snake-like Hydra of Lerna, the Nemean Lion, the Sphinx, the Chimera, the Gorgon, until the sea monster Scylla have one thing in common. They have the same mother, that Echidna (Ἔχιδνα), monsters of half snake half women.
Echidna was the wife of Typhon, a giant snake-headed one hundred imprisoned in Mount Etna because you’re trying to drop Zeus. That said, the Echidna was killed by Argus, a giant with a lot of eyes serve the wife of Zeus, Hera.

Inbreeding complicated that produces the Greek gods and goddesses
In the beginning, Chaos was the first creature that lives. Then, he became the father of Gaia (Γαῖα). Without a partner, Gaia then gave birth to Uranus (Οὐρανός) or the Sky, Pontus (Πόντος) or by Sea, and Ourea (Οὔρεα) or Peg
Then, Uranus marry Gaia, her own mother. As a result, they begat the Titans, including Kronos and Rhea, Hecatonshire, and Cyclops. Kronos married his own sister, Rhea, and gave birth to the Greek gods Poseidon, Demeter, Hera, Hestia, Hades, and Zeus then so the gods and goddesses of Olympus.

The nature of the currency basket Zeus to make her have lots of children.
Zeus (Ζεύς), also known as the King of the Olympian and Father of the Greek Gods. In fact, Zeus is actually known as the handyman around women. Not enough with the man, he was even targeting her sister who are fellow gods. Therefore, many human half god or demigod and gods so her son!
Zeus is the father of demigod Hercules after he was raping Alcmene while impersonating her husband, Amphitryon. In addition, the Zeus is also the father of Perseus after impregnating Danae. He also marry her sister and the goddess of fertility, Demeter. As a result, Persephone, who was later kidnapped by Hades.
The King of the Olympian also change frequently so the animals to captivate the hearts of women. For Europa, it took her time to change so the bull and became the father of King Minos. Zeus then also changed so the goose and married the Queen of Sparta Leda, and became the father of Helene.

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