Studying kejawen teachings

Kejawen is a way of life that is mainly held on the island of Java by the Javanese and other ethnic groups who live in Java

Definition of kejawen teachings

Kejawen is the belief of an ethnic group on the island of Java. Kejawen philosophy is based on religious teachings adopted by philosophers from Java. Basically, the teachings of Kejawen philosophy do encourage humans to remain obedient to their God. Since time immemorial, the Javanese are known to acknowledge the oneness of God.

Why is it called kejawen?

The word “Kejawen” comes from the word “Java”, which means in Indonesian is “everything related to Javanese (Javanese) customs and beliefs”. The naming “kejawen” is general, usually because the language of instruction is in Javanese.

Why is kejawen not a religion?

  1. Kejawen is the belief of an ethnic group on the island of Java. Kejawen philosophy is based on religious teachings adopted by philosophers from Java. Basically, the teachings of Kejawen philosophy do encourage humans to remain obedient to their God. Since time immemorial, the Javanese are known to acknowledge the oneness of God.
  • The word “Kejawen” comes from the word “Java”, which means in Indonesian is “everything related to Javanese (Javanese) customs and beliefs”. The naming “kejawen” is general, usually because the language of instruction is in Javanese.
  • In addition to the noble values ​​of local wisdom, Kejawen makes “imported” values ​​that are considered quality as raw materials that can be mixed with local wisdom values. The advantage is that there is a process of perfecting a set of values ​​in a Javanese or Javanese way of life. If defined, kejawen mysticism is the result of the interaction of local wisdom values ​​that has occurred since ancient times during the spiritual culture of animism, dynamism, and monotheism until now. An open attitude, respect and tolerance, as well as the spiritual basis of love and compassion make Kejawen easy to accept positive foreign elements. In contrast to religious values ​​which are static, rigid or sacred and anti-change, the values ​​in the Javanese philosophy of life are flexible and always try to cultivate foreign cultural values ​​that enter the archipelago, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and so on. What happened was not the bankruptcy of Javanese philosophical values ​​itself, on the contrary, they experienced improvements over time. Until there is an anecdote, if religious values ​​are ingrained, the Javanese way of life is even mbalung-sungsum so that it is never obsolete and always exists. Not only at old age, even young people are also secretly living and acknowledging the flexibility and depth of Kejawen philosophy. Like a mysterious power, sometimes the spirit of appreciation is felt to suddenly appear by itself like a blood call.
  • Rituals, which are performed by adherents of the Javanese philosophy of life. Although the religious backgrounds of the Javanese people are different, they have an element of commonality in the management of Javanese rituals. The difference is only in the language used in the prayer or mantra. But the essence of the ritual is the same, which is aimed at salvation. Salvation is a practice to ask for salvation to God Almighty. As an effort to get closer to the Most Holy God. So in the ritual there are many ubo rampe, or conditions for offerings, in which there are many intentions of asking for prayer to God Almighty. For example, when the month of Ruwah is the month of spirits, a nyadran salvation event is held. The month of ruwah is exactly one month before the month of fasting, people should honor the spirits of their ancestors, pray for them to get a noble, noble, and holy place. They made sticky rice, compote and apem cake, which means as much as possible to give thanks for the pangapunten. Ask forgiveness for all mistakes in life. Apem means affuwwun, is a symbol of asking for forgiveness from God. Followed by the nyekar or pilgrimage and mutual cooperation to clean and care for the graves of their ancestors as a tangible act of devotion and honoring their pepunden, namely their ancestors. Because for the Javanese mystical community, filial piety is done not only while still alive, but even when the child dies, the descendant must still be devoted to him. Not to forget the clean up of villages, rivers, forests, rice fields, fields, as a form of self-awareness to always appreciate the universe as the most beautiful gift of the Most Gracious God.
  • The term ritual is often interpreted in a disproportionate manner, considered merely to be mere pleasantries of an irrational tradition. Sometimes it is even considered as a waste of time, money and energy, aka redundant. In the extreme, ritual is connoted as an activity that deviates from religious rules or norms. The accusation is very painful, because of course only spoken by people who are not able to understand what the true meaning of mystique and ritual is. In fact, ritual is an inherent code of conduct that cannot be separated from any religion, teaching, tradition and culture anywhere in the world. In Buddhism and Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Kong Huchu, Sakura, and others, there are a lot of various religious rituals. Starting from the commemoration of religious holidays to the form of religious traditions. Even modern society, Western tradition, academic society, medical society, all have special rituals aimed at achieving success, including salvation. In Javanese society, the ritual of salvation or slametan becomes the main stream of appreciation of Javanese mystical behavior. In it there are symbols or symbols in the form of offerings, incantations, ubo rampe, certain conditions. All ubo rampe offerings have a deep meaning. It is a big mistake to interpret the meaning of offerings as satanic food. For the Javanese people, they know very well that “devils” or spirits are not to be fed, but must be treated fairly and wisely because they are aware that they are all creatures created by God as well. Humans must not then behave negatively and destructively by arbitrarily, arbitrarily, arrogant, arrogant or arrogant towards spirits. Because that negative attitude will only make people fall to a low level. That is the sublime view of human life which is often accused of being a society with primitive and unreasonable consciousness.
  • Offerings are a language used as a means of communication both vertically and horizontally. Because the basis of mysticism is real action, as a consequence, we must avoid the bad character of empty barrels making loud noises, or just a lot of mouth, but reluctant to live it in daily actions. So in prayer it is not enough to say through the mouth. It feels less afdhol or lack of determination in praying if it is not manifested in the various symbols contained in the offerings. For example; Various prayers should be made sincerely, pure, with a “clean white” heart, not polluted by worldly desires, and addressed only to Hyang Widhi or God Almighty. So it is manifested in the form of a cone-shaped white rice cone, large at the bottom, pointed at the top. Red porridge and white porridge in bancakan weton as symbols of mother and father. The child should always remember the sacrifices of his parents since he was in the mother’s womb, then he was born and raised until he became an adult and independent. The red porridge with the white porridge, is a picture of the relationship between mother and father tied with a rope of sincere love, to produce children as a gift of love, symbolized in baro-baro porridge, namely white porridge topped with grated coconut and brown sugar. There are many more examples that we can learn one by one its essential meaning.

Kejawen descendants

Kejawen is a belief held by people in Java, especially the Javanese. Kejawen can be categorized as non-physical or unwritten culture. This belief has been passed down from generation to generation, and has become the identity of the Javanese tribe.

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