A dirty face is one of the main causes of acne on the face. But in fact some trivial things that you may often do can also cause acne to appear. Bad habits that cause acne need to be avoided if you want clean skin. However, many people do not realize that bad daily habits can cause acne to grow and not go away. Therefore, you need to pay attention to this bad habit that is often done so that acne does not grow again. Most people nowadays only think about how to get rid of acne quickly and perform various treatments. But, they don’t realize that avoiding daily habits that are bad for the skin can get rid of acne. Bad habits that cause acne that are rarely realized should be avoided immediately. If you continue to do these daily habits, it is not impossible that acne will continue to grow and make the skin more unhealthy.

Main causes of acne

Acne is actually easy to treat with simple skin care. However, this red bump that feels sore can reappear repeatedly in the same place.

If acne is a regular problem, then you need to know what is causing this to happen. The reason is, acne treatment depends on the type of acne and what triggers it.

Basically the main cause of acne is clogged pores. Clogged pores can occur due to these three factors, namely as follows.

1. Bacteria

Bacteria is one of the main causes of acne. Below are some types of bacteria that can trigger acne.

• Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes)

• Corynebacterium granulosum

• Staphylococcus epidermidis or coagulase-negative staphylococci

Among the three bacteria, P. acnes is the type of bacteria that most often causes acne. Acne generally appears starting with pore blockage by foreign substances which then invite bacteria to infect.

This will trigger the skin to swell and fester. The number and activity of bacteria are often influenced by hormones, oxygen supply, and nutrients.

2. Buildup of dead skin cells

In addition to bacteria, the buildup of dead skin cells can also clog skin pores which triggers the growth of acne.

You see, every cell in the body that is dead and damaged will be replaced with new, healthy cells. The process of skin cell turnover will involve all skin and begins with the deepest layer of skin (stratum germinativum) producing new skin cells.

After that, new cells will rise until they reach the outermost layer of skin (stratum corneum). If these cells have arrived, the cells in the outermost layer of skin will die.

In fact, this process does not run smoothly in people who are prone to acne and have oily skin. This is because their skin produces more dead skin cells than it should.

As a result, the buildup of dead skin cells also occurs because it cannot be cleaned and allows clogging of pores. If the skin, both face and body, is not cleaned properly, the remaining dead skin cells will accumulate and become the cause of acne.

3. Overproduction of oil (sebum)

Generally, human skin has sebaceous (sebaceous) glands that produce oil (sebum). This sebum will later rise to the surface of the skin through the pores around the hair follicles and aims to maintain skin moisture.

Sebum is a necessary component, but when it is produced in excess it can clog pores. As a result, acne appears.

About Bad Habits That Cause Acne That Are Rarely Realized.

Washing Your Face Too Often

The first bad habit that causes acne is washing your face too often. While it’s important to keep your skin clean, washing your face too often will only make acne worse.

A dirty face is often considered the cause of acne. However, washing your face too often is also not good, because it can make the face lose the skin’s natural oils and encourage the skin to produce more oil. The effect, acne will reappear.

Scrubbing the skin too hard

Rubbing your skin with a harsh washcloth or exfoliant will cause irritation. This can worsen the skin and stimulate the growth of new pimples. To prevent acne, wash only with warm water and a gentle cleanser.

Doesn’t Clean Sweaty Skin

After exercising or being out in the hot sun, your skin may be sweating quite a bit. Do not allow sweat to dry on the skin. Instead, take a shower or wash your skin as soon as you sweat.

How to wash your face is not right

Make sure you always wash your hands thoroughly before washing your face. For those of you who have long hair or bangs, it’s a good idea to tie your hair first before washing your face . After that, if you use makeup, then clean the makeup first by using a special cleanser according to your skin type.

After that, then to the stage of washing your face. Use a cleansing soap according to your skin type. Gently massage the face for a few seconds then rinse thoroughly with running water.

Touching the Face with Dirty Hands

As previously mentioned, touching your face with dirty hands is a bad habit that causes acne and is strictly prohibited. This is the most common cause of acne for many people. Bacteria and various dirt on your hands can stick to the skin and clog pores. This is what makes your skin prone to breakouts.

Peeling Skin and Squeezing Pimples

Even if you really want to peel or squeeze pimples on your face, avoid this habit as much as possible. These bad habits can lead to increased inflammation due to squeezing the pus in the skin. This action can even leave scars.

The causes of acne are actually quite a lot. In essence, skin care is necessary and choose products that suit your skin condition.

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