How to Delete All E-mails in Gmail Permanently

For some people, opening a Gmail account inbox can be tedious at times. How not? Many messages fill the inbox (inbox). Not all messages are important of course, they can be mixed with spam messages, promotions, and so on. Floods of incoming messages may occur, because many people use one e-mail account for various purposes, ranging from work communication, online platform registration, or just communication. If you want to see a neat and clean inbox, the easiest way is to permanently delete all e-mails. Not only makes it more spacious in appearance, deleting incoming messages in e-mail also makes storage space in Google Drive. Why?

This is because Google services, such as Gmail and Google Photos, are integrated with Google Drive which only has a free capacity of 15 GB.
How to delete all e-mails in Gmail
Before deleting e-mails permanently, e-mails will be temporarily stored in the trash folder. After that, new users can delete it permanently.

Keep in mind, if the message is permanently deleted, the message will not be able to be restored (restore). So make sure first whether you really want to delete the e-mail in its entirety or not.

Login to your Gmail account and click Gmail After logging in to Gmail, click “All Mail/All E-mail” on the left menu, if you don’t find it, scroll down a bit and then click “More/More” in your top right pane will see all your e-mails, namely your inbox, outbox, and archived e-mails. To select all e-mails, click the small “Select” square box. Gmail will check all emails that are on that page, but if you want to select all emails to delete click “Select (number of e-mails) Conversations across All Emails” Once you have selected all e-mails, click “Delete” which is denoted by the trash icon. It’s at the top of the page. Then you will find a notification “Confirm Bulk Action / Confirm Bulk Action” if you are sure to delete completely click “OK” Done, Gmail will delete your entire inbox and move it to the trash folder.

How to permanently delete all e-mails in Gmail
As mentioned earlier, the trash folder becomes a temporary shelter. To permanently delete e-mail in Gmail, you can follow these steps:

Open the trash folder by clicking the Trash icon on the right, under the “Spam” folder. At the top right, click “Empty Trash Now” A notification appears “Confirm Deletion of Messages” Then click OK , all your messages have been deleted except spam messages To delete various spam messages, you can go to the Spam folder Click “Delete all spam messages now” at the top of the spam folder Now all spam messages have been deleted

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