First Aid for Fainting People

Most people probably panic when someone around suddenly faints. One of the reasons for the panic may be not knowing what to do and how to provide first aid. In fact, the ability and knowledge of first aid when helping people who faint is important, you know.

Basically, fainting occurs when the brain is deprived of the blood supply that supplies the oxygen and sugar it needs to function properly. As a result, there is a temporary loss of consciousness. Apart from a lack of blood supply, fainting can also occur due to fatigue and certain medical conditions or illnesses.

Usually when someone faints, our reflex must be to give them something to drink. Even though it turns out that when people faint they shouldn’t be given any drinks, you know! So what should we do? The following is first aid for fainting people.

When meeting people faint, everyone’s natural response is to panic. In this precarious position, some people usually immediately give water to someone who is unconscious, in the hope that they will wake up sooner. In fact, first aid for fainting people is not like that, lo!

The reason is, giving a drink can put the person at risk of choking and obstructing the airway. Actually, there are other ways that we can do as a form of first aid for people who have fainted.

So what should we do? Here are 6 first aid for fainting people:

Position lying down

When you faint, everyone’s position is different. Well, if you find someone who has passed out not lying down, we can lay him down in a supine position first. Because, this position will help people who fainted quickly realized.

Move the person to a safer and more comfortable place, if they are in the middle of the road or in an uneven location.

However, make sure that the fainted person doesn’t have a bone injury, okay? Because the origin of moving patients with bone injuries has a fairly fatal risk.

Check respiratory condition

The first aid for a fainted person that we must immediately do is check their breathing. Check pulse and chest and abdominal movements.

If there are no signs of breathing, call an ambulance immediately, or take the person to the nearest Emergency Unit (ER).

A fainting patient who is not breathing indicates a serious condition, such as a heart attack or head injury. If possible, Mama Papa can help provide artificial respiration.

Elevate the leg area

After checking the respiratory condition, we can elevate the legs higher than the head; at least 30 cm. Use any object to support the unconscious patient’s leg.

The purpose of first aid in people who have fainted is to increase blood flow to the brain. With a note, this type of first aid should only be given to patients without injury, and breathing in good condition, yes.

Loosen clothes

Tight clothing not only makes sufferers uncomfortable, but also makes air circulation poor. Try to loosen the victim’s tight clothing, so that she can breathe freely.

In addition, keep the patient away from too many people, in order to breathe more calmly and openly.

Try waking up

After going through the steps above, the next step is to try to wake the person up. You do this by shaking the body, calling out loud, and giving stimulation to the skin; patting the cheek or pinching.

In addition, it can also put ice on the victim’s face, or give a fragrance with a pungent aroma; Aromatherapy oil can also be applied to the victim’s nose.

Let rest

If the patient begins to regain consciousness, do not rush to ask a lot of questions. Let him lie down to rest first. If the patient looks calmer, we can help him sit up, and then we give him water to drink.

Most importantly, seek medical help immediately if the patient experiences various complaints, such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, or looks dazed.

Well, that’s some first aid for fainting people that we can do. It’s hard to be calm when you see someone fainting, but we still shouldn’t panic, and keep thinking clearly.

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