Facts about Zifivax Vaccine, The New Covid-19 Vaccine That Received EUA From BPOM

The process of vaccination Covid-19 until now still continue to run. Although as of 11 October 2021 the number of vaccines already injected reaching almost 160 million doses, the number of these new covers about 48% of the total population for the first dose and 27% for the second dose.

The large number of Indonesian population as well as the still limited number of vaccines in the whole world because a bone of contention for all countries, make the government keep trying to get a stock of additional vaccine. One brand of vaccine Covid-19 which will soon be used for the community is Zifivax.

Know more vaccine Zifivax

Vaccine Zifivax is one of the vaccine Covid-19 latest has to get permission to use the emergency, aka the emergency use of authorization (EUA), from the ‘Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan’ (BPOM). So do not get confused, here’s the information You need to know about Zifivax:

1. Vaccine Zifivax the China-made

Zifivax is a vaccine that was developed and produced by Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical origin China. The vaccine is made by the method of the platform recombinant protein sub-units. That is, the vaccine is made by inserting a DNA virus that can trigger a response in the immune system. Viral DNA that is inserted has been processed in such a way so that people who receive the vaccine will not be infected with Covid-19 due to the process of vaccination. Vaccine Zifivax is a vaccine Covid-19 to a-10 to get EUA from the FDA RI PT Jakarta Biopharmaceutical Industry (JBio) as the holder of the permission. Current JBio are currently in the stage of build production facilities of the vaccine itself. Thus, the need doses of the vaccine in the country can be met more easily.

2. Has been tested in several countries

Before getting EUA from the FDA, the vaccine Zifavax has been through clinical trials phase III in some countries, like Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Ecuador, and China with the number of subjects achieving 28.500 people. In Indonesia alone, there are 4,000 subjects who participated in these trials. Two thousand people tested in Bandung and 2,000 remaining in Jakarta. Volunteers who are adults over the age of 18 years.

3. Its efficacy is high enough

After going through the clinical trial phase III, the vaccine Zifivax found to have efficacy that is quite high.According to data submitted by the task Force Handling of Covid-19, vaccine efficacy Zifivax to the virus Covid-19 variant of Alfa achieve 92,93%, Gamma 100%, a variant of the Delta 77,47%, and Kappa 90%. Seven days after the full vaccination, vaccine efficacy will reach about 81,71%. Within 14 days after the vaccine is complete, the efficacy of the mean was recorded at 81,4%. If viewed from a range of age, in a population of adults age 18-59 years, the efficacy of this vaccine to achieve 81,51% and the elderly above 60 years of 87,58%. Efficacy Zifavax overall for the population average is 79,88%.

4. The rules of the administration of the vaccine

The procedure of administration of the vaccine Zifavax a little different from the type of vaccine Covid-19 other. If most of the vaccine Covid-19, such as Sinovac and AstraZeneca only 2 doses, You need to receive three injections to the vaccine Zifavax. The vaccine can only be given in adults aged over 18 years. Injection is done through the injection of intramuscular (in the muscle) as much as each dose of 0.5 mL. Granting distance between the dose is 1 month.

5. Does not cause harmful side effects

From the results of a clinical trial phase III, the results found that the vaccine Zifivax in general does not trigger harmful side effects. The type of side effects that appear most frequently on the subject of the test is pain at the injection site, headache, fatigue, fever, muscle pain, cough, nausea, and mild diarrhea.

Can the vaccine Zifavax be used as a booster?

According to a statement issued by the FDA, the current vaccine Zifivax can not be used as a booster. Further research is still needed to determine the data response of the immune system from a clinical trial of primary. Up to this time, the new vaccine Moderna has been granted permission as a vaccine booster. The administration of the vaccine dose received by the medical personnel at high risk of exposure to virus Covid-19 after at the beginning of the year 2021 ago menderima vaccine first dose and the second type of Coronavac of Sinovac.

Things to consider after receiving the vaccine Covid-19

After receiving the vaccine Covid-19 of any kind, You will be instructed to wait in the observation room for approximately 30 minutes. It is intended as a form of anticipation on allergic reactions or other side effects (KIPI) the weight of which may require medical treatment immediately. If after the observation is completed and You have no means, vaccination teams will allow You to go home. At home, there are some things that can be done to prepare to face the side effects of the vaccine Covid-19 that may be perceived:

• Drink lots of water.

• Hot-lowering medication and pain reliever such as paracetamol to relieve fever and pain in the body.

• Compress the injection area with a cold compress if there is swelling or pain.

Keep in mind that the vaccine does not work right away immediately after the injection is done. The body needs time to finally antibodies to cope with Covid-19 completely formed. The vaccine is also not a cure or a product that can make You immune to Covid-19. Therefore, after the vaccine, You still need to undergo a protocol of health strictly to prevent Covid-19.

Stay tuned to wear a mask when meeting other people, avoid crowded places, keep a distance with other people, diligently wash your hands and maintain personal hygiene and the environment. If there is still an extra dose of which need to be obtained, do not forget to record the date so as not to forget. Immediately get the vaccine Covid-19 dose is complete, then the risk of You experiencing the severity of this disease will also be more rapid decline.

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