Recently, the black sapote fruit has been widely discussed on social media, such as Instagram and TikTok. But, do you know what the black sapote fruit is?

Understanding the black sapote

Black sapote which has the scientific name Diospyros Digyna is a species of persimmon fruit (persimmon), but has a different taste. Black sapote fruit comes from Eastern Mexico, Central America and Colombia.

This fruit still sounds foreign to some Indonesian people, this is because black sapote is a rare fruit that has a unique texture that makes black sapote quite difficult to find. Black sapote fruit in Indonesia is better known as black sapodilla.

What are the benefits of black sapote fruit for the body? Come on, just look at the following reviews about the benefits behind black sapote fruit which is rich in nutrients, which you should know!

Black sapote has a lot of substances that are inside them. Don’t be surprised when taking the black sapote we will feel the benefits. On the other hand the black sapote has a taste similar to chocolate pudding. The fruit has a skin that is colored green and the size is not too big. The look and texture in the fruit is also very similar to chocolate pudding. With the color brown and a little juicy on the inside. Here are some benefits of black sapote:

1. Help the formation of muscle

Black sapote, can help in the formation of muscle. For those of you who are in a muscle-building program then consume the fruit of the persimmon black no harm.

2. Maintain eye health

Manfaat buah black sapote one for eye health. Eating black sapote can prevent our eyes from some disorders. Among them are such as night blindness, which can interfere with vision.

3. Maintain the health of bones and teeth

You surely want to maintain the health of bones and teeth is not it? Well one good food to be consumed is a black sapote. Because black sapote has the benefit that it can maintain the strength of bones and also teeth.

4. Improves the immune system

One of the benefits of black sapote or persimmon black this is to improve the immune system. Taking this natural supplement can keep the immune system of your body, you know.

5. It helps the production of red blood cells

Black sapote contains iron that is used to help the production of red blood cells. Blood cells has an important function to help the hemoglobin carries oxygen to cells throughout the body. Iron deficiency can cause a number of adverse symptoms, such as fatigue and lack of stamina

6. Source of energy

100 grams of black sapote contains 80 calories , which can be useful as a source of energy for you. Moreover, if you are doing a diet program. Of course should also be added to the intake of other energy needs in the body is not reduced.

7. Nourish the digestive system

For those of you who experience frequent constipation, try the consumption of foods rich in fiber such as black sapote. Fiber content owned by black sapote trusted can nourish the digestive system so that constipation can be prevented

8. Prevent cancer

Black sapote is believed to prevent cancer because they contain vitamin A which is quite high. Vitamin A has an important role in the growth and development of the cells of the body so that this vitamin is believed to prevent cancer.

In a study, consuming vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene can prevent cancer of the cervix, lung, up to the bladder

Well, that’s some of the benefits behind the black sapote. Hopefully useful yes the information above!

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