Elon Musk Wants To Turn Starship SpaceX Into A Giant Space Telescope

Elon Musk is developing a vehicle that could change space travel forever. Starship, hence the name, will be a fully reusable transportation system capable of transporting up to 100 people to Mars, nicknamed the Red Planet.

The ethos of Elon Musk’s private spaceflight company SpaceX is to build life on other planets.

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, recently stated that SpaceX’s Starship could be turned into a “huge telescope” with 10 times the resolution of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. Recent revelations show that the billionaire still has plenty of ideas for customizing his spaceship.

SpaceX’s Starship could be used to bring astronauts to the Moon’s surface again since the Apollo missions, clean up our polluted planet’s orbit, and help build a metropolis on Mars. But Musk has now stated that he wants to observe astronomy for twenty-one.

imagining Elon Musk to turn the SpaceX spacecraft into a space telescope was revealed in a conversation on social media yesterday, July 8, 2021. At that time a Twitter user with the account name @ChrisG_NSF asked Elon Musk a question about Starship SpaceX.

“Have you seen the Starship variant which is basically a research rocket too?,” the netizen asked on Twitter.

The netizen asked more questions, including whether it was possible to put science instruments into Starship instead of having to build two separate things. The Twitter user also mentioned that doing so would reduce the cost of space travel by a small amount.

Soon after, Elon Musk responded. He gave everyone an indication of how he thought about the proposal.

“Yeah, that would be cool,” the SpaceX CEO replied. “Using the spacecraft itself as a structure for a new large telescope with >10X Hubble resolution,” Musk continued, as reported by the Science Times.

Elon Musk went on to say that he had discussed the topic with astronomer Saul Perlmutter. In addition, Saul Perlmutter has also expressed interest in doing so to Musk.

Elon Musk’s recent statement about turning the SpaceX Starship into a framework for a large space observatory adds to the list of potential uses for the Starship after launch.

Futurism once revealed that SpaceX’s Starship had plans to return astronauts to the moon, clean up space junk, and even help build a human city on Mars.

While the idea of ​​establishing a human colony on Mars may raise doubts, Elon Musk has stated that he intends to achieve it with Starship before 2030. He has also stated that he intends for the Mars base to operate independently.

The success of all of Elon Musk’s ambitions remains to be seen and waited for. However, SpaceX is no doubt working hard to make it happen.

There have been some setbacks along the way to realizing this ambition. example of the explosion of several Starship prototypes.

In March, for example, Elon Musk and SpaceX launched a prototype SN11 Starship, but the prototype failed to land properly and instead crashed and exploded. However, two months later the SN15, another Starship rocket prototype, was able to launch and land successfully.

The success of Elon Musk seems promising even though there are many other stages that they have to prepare and work on for their big ambitions.

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