HTML Element

1. HTML Tags

Html tag is markup/wrapper which consists of 2 parts called start tag and end tag. The start tag is expressed in the form of and the end tag is expressed in the form of .

In a Tag not only contains text, but also other Tags. meaning that each HTML Tag can be the content of another Html Tag. Example <p>Lorem ipsum<br />Dolor Sit Amet</p>, it can be seen that the <br /> Tag is written between the <p> dan </p>.

HTML tags are not case sensitive. This means that you can write in both uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, you can write the <html> Tag in capital letters, namely <HTML> there will be no problem because the HTML tag is not case sensitive.

2. HTML Element

HTML element is the name of the tag or the content of the tag that is between the opening tag and closing tag. An HTML document is defined using Html Elements. The HTML element itself is everything that is between the start tag and the end tag.

Html elements can be nested called Nested Html. Nested Html is an Element or several Elements that are inside another Element in HTML.

2.1   HTML Element

The HTML element or <html> tag functions as the opening tag and closing tag of an HTML document. All other Elements, Tags or html code will be written and included in Html Elements.

2.2  Head Element

The Head element or the head of the HTML document is the Header of the HTML document. This element is located between the <html> and tag </html>. The Head element or the head of the HTML document is the Header of the HTML document. This element is located between the tag and the tag. This element opens with a tag and closes with a tag <head> tag and closes with a </head>.

2.3  Title Element

The Title element is the title of the HTML document that is displayed in the title of the browser window. This element is located between the tag and the tag. This element opens with a tag and closes with a tag. <head> and tag </head>.This element opens with a <title> tag and closes with a </title>.

2.4   Body Element

Body element is an element that will display the contents of the HTML document. This element is located under the </head> ag and is sandwiched between the <html> and tag </html>.This element opens with a <body> tag and closes with a </body>.

3. HTML Attributes

The Html attribute is part of the Html Element. Attributes you can use as additional information on an Html Tag, the information can be in the form of commands to set the background, size, etc.

4. Comment

As in other programming languages, HTML also has comments that can be used to explain parts of the content of a web document.

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