
Understanding Email

Email is an abbreviation of Electronic Mail or you can say Electronic Mail which is abbreviated as Email. Email is a letter with a digital format that is used to send messages over the internet. We can also use it with various media such as computers, smart phones or smartphones.

Email Types

Email has several types with different characteristics.

  • POP Mail (Post Office Protocol Mail)

POP mail is an email system that we can receive from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) that we use.

  • WEB Mail (Web Based Mail)

Web Mail is a web page based email. We can access this email using a browser on a computer anywhere, we can send or receive messages with the internet network.

  • Email Forwarding

Email Forwarding is an email service to resend incoming messages to the desired email destination. That is if there is an incoming email and we want to send the email to other people.

Email Function

We have discussed what email is and its types above, now let’s discuss the function of the email. Here are some common email functions:

  • Communication media

We can use e-mail as a means of communication for us personally and in general.

  • Delivery Media

Email can be used to send or receive a file or files of any size and any media. The media that we can send supports all formats.

  • Social media

This is important for social media purposes, because indeed to register a social media account we need an email for a communication tool. Not only social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter who need an email, an online shop account or an online shop also need it when they want to register.

  • Information Media

Email can be your information center if you register to get information from the media we specify.

  • Promotion media

If above you can register an online shop account using e-mail, it turns out that e-mail can also be a means of promoting you through the online shop that you created.

  • Activating Smartphone

If you want to activate your smartphone, of course you need an email to register. It is a requirement to use a smartphone, so we have to use email.

  • Creating a Personal Website or Blog

To create a website or blog we are required to have an email to register.

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