Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a secure version of HTTP, the protocol that connects your browser with the websites you open. The ‘S’ at the end of HTTPS stands for ‘Secure’. This means that all communication between your browser and the website is encrypted. HTTPS is often used to protect highly confidential online transactions such as online banking, online shopping and so on.
HTTPS pages typically use one of two secure protocols to encrypt data communications: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security). The TLS and SSL protocols use an asymmetric ‘Public Key Infrastructure’ system. This asymmetric system means using two ‘keys’ to encrypt communications, namely: the public key and the private key. Anything encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the private key and vice versa.
All communications sent over an HTTP connection are usually plain data and can be read by any hacker who manages to break into the connection between your browser and the site you are opening. This shows a clear danger that occurs if there are communications such as credit cards or confidential data. With an HTTPS connection, all communications are securely encrypted. This means that if someone manages to break into the connection, they will not be able to decrypt your data and the website.
Advantages of using HTTPS:
• Customer information, such as credit card numbers, is encrypted and cannot be easily read.
• Visitors can verify that your site is a registered business site and has its own domain.
• Customers are more likely to trust and complete purchases from sites that use HTTPS.
Search Engine Optimization
Of course, Google and many others want communication through websites to be more secure than ever. Google did a lot of HTTPS campaigns everywhere, they announced HTTPS as one of the parameters for ranking, and they started indexing secure pages on insecure pages. Google has also updated Google Webmaster Tools to handle HTTPS sites, of course with better reporting forms.

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