Android Developer Basics

Android Developer Fundamentals is an instructor-led course created by the Google Developer Training team. Students will learn basic Android programming concepts and build a variety of apps, from Hello World and working on it your own way to apps using content providers and loaders. Android Developer Fundamentals includes five teaching units:

  • Unit 1: Start

This unit covers installing Android Studio, understanding project structure, building your first app, creating activities, testing your app, and using the Android Support Library. First, you implement a simple Hello World application. You continue to build apps with simple activities, then you create multiscreen apps that pass data between activities. You’ll also learn how to use the Android Support Library to provide backwards compatibility with earlier versions of the Android system for your apps.

  • Unit 2: User Experience

This unit covers taking input from users, implementing navigation strategies, using themes and styles, testing the user interface, and following Material Design principles. You will create applications that use menus and tabs for navigation, as well as input controls such as spinners and dialog pickers to retrieve information from users. You’ll learn how to extract resources to create styles from instances of user interface elements. You’ll write an app that displays a list of words in the recycler view (and learn why it’s better to use the recycler view than a regular scrolling list). You’ll also build a score keeping app to dive into Material Design guidelines.

  • Unit 3 Working in the background

This unit covers how to do background work, how to schedule tasks, and how to trigger events. This unit discusses the performance implications of executing jobs in the background, as well as best practices for reducing battery consumption. You’ll learn how Android determines which apps to keep running and which to stop when resources start to run low. You will write an application that connects to the Internet in a background thread to find the author of a book. You’ll also build apps that send notifications and schedule tasks, and learn how to implement app scheduling functionality that runs on earlier versions of Android.

  • Unit 4: All about data

This unit is all about data. This unit covers how to store data, update it, query data, load data, and provide it outside of your application. You will build a word list and store the words in a database. To understand content providers, you will build a content provider app minimally. You then add a content provider to your wordlist application to provide an interface for querying and updating the list. Finally, you will create a separate application that uses a loader to load word lists via the content provider.

  • Unit 5: What’s next

This unit discusses permissions, application performance, and security best practices. Here we will explain how to run a trial run of the app so friends and family can try it out. This unit also introduces many additional Android features that you can add apps to, and explains how to publish apps on Google Play.

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