What would happen if the earth stopped rotating? If the Earth suddenly stopped rotating then planet Earth would be uninhabitable. …
What happens if the sun disappears?
The sun has become a friend who is always present to illuminate our days. So unfortunately, as if we can …
Many things spark human curiosity about life beyond Earth. Starting from the astronaut activity. On Earth, of course, humans can …
Can we build a colony on mars?
Soon the intergalactic adventures of Star Wars and Star Trek will no longer be mere imaginations. Get ready for the …
What would happen if the earth was flat?
Since 2000 years ago, humans have known that the earth is round. From the time of calculating the angle of …
Why is Outer Space Dark?
We know that the universe is very big and has billions of stars out there, but if there are many …
Why is Pluto no longer considered a planet?
Perhaps many of us used to remember that our solar system consisted of nine planets, and Pluto was one of …
5 Theories of the formation of the earth according to experts
As we know, the earth is the only planet in the universe that can be inhabited by living things. Many …
Multiverse theory, do parallel worlds really exist?
Could it be that there is another us out there, not us but someone who looks exactly like us, who …