CRUD here is an acronym or abbreviation word that comes from the world of computer programming based on four (4) …

CRUD here is an acronym or abbreviation word that comes from the world of computer programming based on four (4) …
Everyone who owns a smartphone has email. Even to register in social media applications and the like requires an email …
Marketing Plan or marketing plan is a form of management process that leads to a marketing strategy in which the …
Basically, administration is a form of activity or effort carried out to assist, regulate, or serve activities so that they …
1. Doing Digital Research From the start, the main purpose of the sales team doing research is to find, identify …
Definition Webinar is an abbreviation of web seminar, which is a seminar conducted through a website or internet-based application. This …
The use of call to action cannot be separated from choosing the right words. So that you know what needs …
1. HTML Tags Html tag is markup/wrapper which consists of 2 parts called start tag and end tag. The start …
Some of you must have heard of this term, namely the Deep Web. Maybe some of you also don’t know. …
1.The number of Telegram users continues to grow Based on data from the Telegram Blog, in 2016 Telegram claims to …