Why use Codeigniter According to the official website, CodeIgniter 4 is a powerful PHP framework with a very small size …

Why use Codeigniter According to the official website, CodeIgniter 4 is a powerful PHP framework with a very small size …
Firebird (also called FirebirdSQL) is a relational database management system that offers features found in the ANSI SQL-99 and SQL-2003 …
Definition of DOM DOM(Document Object Model) is a standard data model. The DOM is the javascript way of viewing an …
MemSQL is a distributed and in-memory SQL database management system. MemSQL also includes a relational database management system (RDBMS). MemSQL …
Starting from the traditional website creation. Why is it called traditional? Because in the past, people who coded the web …
Dynamic web is a web whose content or contents can change at any time. Because the dynamic web creation technology …
Company profile is one of the important things that must be made by the company. Every company or business must …
Understanding MongoDB database is a collection of data stored systematically in a computer that can be processed or manipulated using …
DHCP is an acronym for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. The DHCP server function is a device that facilitates the distribution …
Dynamic IP is the IP obtained by another computer/router from the DHCP system, dynamic IP usually changes. Dynamic IPs are …