Gravity is such an important force of attraction. Earth’s gravity is so strong that it attracts living things, to objects …

Shadow Puppets
Wayang kulit is a traditional Indonesian art that mainly developed in Java. Wayang comes from the word “Ma Hyang” which …

Causes of Soaring VGA Prices
February 13 Nvidia returns to production of GTX 1050 Ti and RTX 2060Nvidia has indirectly confirmed that the GeForce GTX …

Confused about making a CV? here it is fill in the format to make you look professional!
Curriculum Vitae (CV) is needed in the job application process. This is because the CV contains a collection of personal …

Android VS iPhone, Which Team Are You?
If you want to buy a cellphone at this time, the alternative is Android or iPhone. Each has its advantages …

Vitamins Needed During a Pandemic
Vitamin CVitamin C is a mainstay during a pandemic. This vitamin has antioxidants that can help increase the body’s resistance …

Betel is a native Indonesian plant that grows vines or leans on the trunk of another tree. This vine can …

Gadget fans must be familiar with NFC. This feature is starting to be embedded in several cellphones, especially cellphones in …

How to protect the reproductive organs in human
Keep in mind that the reproductive organs are not just the penis and vagina. Other organs such as the testes …

Tax definitionGeneral Provisions and Tax Procedures (KUP) in Law Number 28 of 2007, explains that taxes are mandatory contributions to …